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  • XamDataChart does not render LineSeries properly for export to image or PDF without first displaying on screen

    I've tried everything. I've found a blog post such as this one:

    I've looked at other support tickets such as these:


  • Column Series ItemsSource


    I'm currently working on the StackedColumnSeries but have run into a snag due to my chosen data:

    I have 2 sets of data created from the same class: DataX, DataY

    I need to set each of the stacked columns to be set to DataX & DataY, both classes…

  • Chart with two Series


    I have attached a simple Project, where I would like to display two data series in one chart. It works if I create the DataContext in the Code Behind file (MainWindow.xaml.cs). But I want to set the DataContext for the XamDataChart in the xaml file…