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  • Styling an Item Legend for a XamDoughnutChart


    I have XamDoughnutChart where it has a ItemLegend which i'm trying to style it and I dont understand how to do it.

    This is the style that I'm trying to apply:

    <Style x:Key="gridSubTitleGrayLabel" TargetType="Label">

  • XamDoughnutChart Object reference not set to an instance of an object when resizing


    I have a Xam Doughnut Chart that after reloading data after a few times, causes the application to crash. I've been trying to debug for quite some time but i haven't found the issue until i looked into the call stack that showed where it…

  • [Xamarin][XamDoughnutChart] - Label new line and font size


    I am using the XamDoughnutChart (Charts) component in xamarin and I want the label in this format:

    Is it possible?
    I want to change de fonte size of the label too.

    Best regards,