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  • GalleryTool not closing drop-down when clicking on already selected item

    When I click on the already selected item in the drop-down of the GalleryTool, the drop-down is not closed. Closing the drop-down in this case is the default behavior in e.g. MS Word. How to get this behavior for the GalleryTool ?


  • Selected Gallery Item in Ribbon not being highlighted

    In switching from Infragistics3.Wpf.Ribbon ver 7.2 (7.2.20072.1000) to 8.2 (8.2.20082.2001), the gallery item selection highlighting has stopped working for me. My application dynamically creates gallery items (when the user clicks on the menu tool) and…

  • A problem with gallery tool


    In our app, there is a gallery with four items. Initially they display as two rows. After I make the window wider, the gallery tool is resizing and all four items start to fit in one row. The weird thing is after they show in one row, they fade down…