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  • Optimizing Sorting Update Performance in XamDataGrid

    The XamDataGrid , the grid control which comes as a part of the NetAdvantage for WPF Line of Business product, has been in use for a few years in a variety of scenarios – from customizability and rich templating, to high data density and high-performance…

  • Optimizing XamDataGrid Scrolling Performance Using Simplified Templates

    The XamDataGrid control is a highly-functional high-performance grid control that’s a part of the NetAdvantage for WPF (samples), along with other controls for line of business applications, such as editors, docking, ribbon, scheduler, and others…

  • Infragistics WPF XamDataGrid, XamDataChart High Performance Scenarios

    When you’re dealing with real-time or large volumes of data, the three most critical factors for the user experience of your application are performance, performance and…performance. Customers are often interested in what’s the performance of the …

  • CPU Peak upon scroll


    Here's a common use of the XamDataGrid (see attach project), by default there 1M rows but the number of rows doesn't matter much. I'm trying to understand why I have a CPU peak of about 20% when I scroll that XamDataGrid.



  • Optimizing XamDataGrid Performance

    The XamDataGrid performance is critical to the usability of your application. This post looks at what you can do to maximize its performance.

    Sample Project

    Please download the sample project featuring the XamDataGrid to see some of the performance optimizations…

  • How do I enable "full" preloading of grid records? I.e. No virtualization.

    I'm using the following settings:






  • huge performance difference between xmldataprovider and custom objects

    In a test project, I have ~700 rows and 20 columns in xamdatagrid, I have set EditAsType but not much more.

    This is however dog slow both in loading asynchronously (I'm using XmlDataProvider.DeferRequest() while updating) but also when scrolling around…

  • Re: WinForms UltraGrid is much faster than XamDataGrid

    Dear Will,

    Could you share some specifics on the scenario where the XamDataGrid performs worse than you expect it? In the meantime, please take a look at a guide for XamDataGrid performance optimization for a set of ideas to get you started.


  • Re: Improve loading time and Scrolling with XamDataGrid

    Hi Patrick,

    Please refer to the blog posts below for guidance on how to improve the performance of the XamDataGrid. They illustrate the impact of different settings on performance using sample projects you can download and run on your machine to see…