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  • Adding new record to XamDataGrid in code via the CurrentAddRecord


    I have a situation where I want to manually add a record to a XamDataGrid by accessing the "CurrentAddRecord".  Basically, I want to simulate what happens when a user adds a new record by typing into a cell in the new record in the AddNewRecordLocation…

  • xamDataGrid Add New Record

    I have several questions in regards to the add new record functionality of the xamDataGrid.

    1. Is it possible to have the add record functionality work while having the rest of the grid not editable?  The text editors in edit mode of the AddNewRecord…

  • Updating a Complex Property with a control Template

    I am binding my XamDataGrid to a model which holds a property that return wrapper classes around their types.  this is done so I can include validation information on each property.  For example Name which is not settable returns a name wrapper which has…