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  • Change Series Chart Color


    I have a problem when using the default DataPointColor.Different or  DataPointColor.Auto for the charts, it's returning similar colors and I want to somehow set an option so the colors returned for my pie charts, line charts, or bar charts are obviously…

  • xamDataChart: ImageBar

    Is it possible to use a PNG image to fill a barchart?

  • Remove/Hide Column Fragment by clicking on series in legend.

    So, I have a xamDataChart that displays a stacked column series, along with a legend showing each column fragment. I have tied into the LegendItemMouseLeftButtonUp event and set the correct column fragment series' Opacity to 0, in order to "hide" that…

  • xamDataChart : 3D charts


    We would like to display 3D pie charts and 3D bar charts in our SL application.

    Do you know if one control can achieve that ?

    If not, do you know if it is in your plans ?



  • Numeric YAxis tick marks to have Value range, means Y axis tick mark values need to be like 1, 100, 1 k, 1 m, 1 b...


    I am having a Sales timeline chart, and keeping in mind the chart Area space and Values in YAxis, I can not have exact no in tick marks like $123456789, rather would have $1.23 b, $2.56 m as example.

    So need some sort of converter or kind of that…

  • IValueConverter for plotted ScatterSeries values?

    Hello.  I have an application where I want to be able to reversibly modify the values displayed by one or more ScatterSeries, without modifying the bound data.  For instance, I might want to multiply the Y values of a curve by -1, to invert it relative…

  • Pad axes minimum and maximum values


    We are using xdatachart with automatic scaling, but is there a way to pad the max and min values of y axis? For example, I have a set of points with min and max value of 100 and 500, I want to set min and max as 50 and 550 where my interval is…

  • OlapXAxis LabelSettings do not work

    the setting do not work for the olapxaxis but they work for the numeric y axis?

    <ig:OlapXAxis.LabelSettings>     <ig:AxisLabelSettings TextWrapping="Wrap"   FontSize="20" />  </ig:OlapXAxis.LabelSettings>


  • XamDataChart multiple crosshair vertical lines.

    On XamDataChart while snapping to points using crosshair vertical line, multiple vertical lines are visible for different series/ points 

    on chart. Where as expected behavior for us is that, it should draw only one vertical line on mouse hover.


  • Axis title for xamData chart

    I trying  to set the titles for both category axis and numeric axis in xam data chart.I was unable to find the way for the same.Please do the needful

  • Markers not visible for same time on x axis


    I need to show markers for all points plotted on chart with date time on x axis and numeric value on y axis, but if I have 2 points at same time which is a step then marker is not shown for both points. I have attached the image for reference.My…

  • Space between Columns and Bars

    Is there a way to increase the space between Columns and Bars for the XamDataChart's ColumnSeries and BarSeries?
  • Binding to a XamDataChart inside a XamTileManager

    Good day All,

    I have a XamDataChart inside a XamTileManager to display employee statistics, specifically using a graph.

    I am binding to a object populated via a WCF service, but nothing is displayed on the graphs.

    I have set the DataContext of the…

  • VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount returns 0

    Hi, I have a xamDataChart, below is  the xaml code:

    <ig:XamDataChart x:Name="xmDataChart" SeriesMouseLeftButtonDown="xmDataChart_SeriesMouseLeftButtonDown" Margin="0,0,0,0" Legend="{Binding ElementName=xmLegend}">…

  • Customize XamDataChart

    I am using Infragistic XamDataChart and need to show UI according to my requirenment. please let me know if the control support these.

    1. Need to show series name as there will be multiple series(as Shown in Pic.)
    2. Horizontal Zoom bar at the top of…

  • How to set CategoryDateTimeXAxis Interval to be one month?

    Hi, I just want to set CategoryDateTimeXAxis interval to be one month, just like "2013-01-01   2013-02-01  2013-03-01 ... 2013-12-01", how can I achieve this, thanks.

  • Column series sum by date



    I expect this is easy to do, but I can't find anything showing how to do it.

    My data model contains a field, DueDate.  I want to create a column chart showing the number of items due each day.  I'm sure this must be possible, but can anybody…

  • CategoryXAxis Label Template in code behind

    Hi, I want to achieve one requirement just like  this example:

    In this example, the Label of CategoryXAxis has an angle, and the Label Template is defined in Resource…

  • XAM Data chart column series bar width and border issue

    HI All,

    I am using XAMDataChart with colum series, I am facing issues with changing the width of the bars coming and border arround it.

    Can some one please provide me style or properties to reduce the width of the bars and border arround it


  • Daylight saving in xamDataChart


    We are using xamDataChart control in our Silverlight application. Our requirement is to display Daylight Saving values. So can you help me out here on how to achieve this?



  • How to implement this in code-behing(C#),because I want to implement this in run time

  • Deferring updates when adding multiple series to an XamDataChart?

    Hello.  My application creates up to several hundred series, each with about 50 data points, and plots them in an XamDataChart.  I have to add all the series to the chart programmatically, through Chart.Series.Add().  When I profile the application, it appears…

  • Vertical ValueOverlay on CategoryDateTimeXAxis

    This is currently my code:


    private void AddEventTimeOverlay()


    ValueOverlay overlay = new ValueOverlay();

    CategoryDateTimeXAxis xaxis = (CategoryDateTimeXAxis)MChart.Axes.First((axis) => axis.Name.Equals("SharedXAxis"));


  • How to Print a Silverlight Column Series XamDataChart?


    I have a silverlight column series chart using the SL5 XamDataChart in v12.1

    I've read Petar monov's article but it's about converting a control to images, nothing on how to print.

    Some of the dlls his example uses are from the WPF4…

  • Silverlight 5 - XamDataChart - Using scroll wheel to pan.

    I have searched and cannot seem to find a way to override the default behavior for the scroll wheel zooming. Ideally I would be able to set via a property to set the behavior.

    But I have since attempted a less ideal solution: disabling the mouse wheel…