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  • WPF XAMDatachart Custom Tick Mark Values for XAxis/YAxis Columns with different color for different columns

    Hi Team,
    I need help with the below scenario, I can create one sample if you want me to.

    I have one ObservableCollection in my view model like below

    { Layername = "LSS", Value = 7542, Depth = 200, Porosity = 0.3, Sw = 0.5, Temperature = 150}


  • Line series and markers being cut off by axis in XamDataChart

    my project uses XamCategoryCharts aswell as some XamDataCharts in which both I am displaying line series. I got the problem that in the XamDataChart the markers and Lines are being cut off by the boundaries of the graph area. I don't have this problem…

  • XamDataGrid does not serialize series property with XamlWriter

    I am attempting to copy arbitrary UI elements by serializing and deserializing them to XAML. However, the XamDataChart causes issues because the Series property is skipped.

    For example, with the following XAML,

    <ig:XamDoughnutChart x:Name="doughnutChart…

  • xamDataChart binding error generated from Infragistics theme

    System.Windows.Data Error: 4 : Cannot find source for binding with reference 'RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType='Infragistics.Controls.Charts.FinancialLegend', AncestorLevel='1''. BindingExpression:(no path); DataItem=null;…

  • XamDataChart background


    I have an XamDataChart with a vertical green line (ValueOverlay), and I would like to set a gradient (white-green) background for the XamDataChart so that it extends only up to the green line. How can this be achieved, if possible?

    Thank you :)

  • Legend Item Badge issue

    My issues is that I've changed the size of the marker on one of my series to make it much smaller than the default size.  However, the legend shows the marker at it's fill size, so the legend doesn't look like the line. The attached image shows the…

  • Create 2 line chart subtitle

    I'm trying to create a 2 line chart subtitle.  I can embed a linefeed in the title string and I get two lines.  The entire subtitle is centered in the graph but the first line is left justified.  Is there any way to horizontally center both lines.  I…

  • 3D chart in WPF - is it posssible?

    I  have a requirement to plut points with 3D coordinates and plot them as a curve like a trajectory. Example below. Will the 3d surface chart allow me to create such a line in 3d and will I be able to rotate the chart?



  • Hiding series on XamDataChart

    I have a lot of series on my XamDataChart - sometimes as many as 2000 or so. Calling MyChart.Series.Clear() takes upwards of 30-40 seconds. Is there a way I can just hide the series I do not need to display? I tried setting the visibility, but then the…

  • prevent zoom on mouse wheel in XamDataChart

    I'm using a XamDataChart with a HorizontalZoombar and a VerticalZoombar.

    I would like to change the functionality so that when I scroll the mouse wheel, it scrolls vertically rather than zooming in.

    How can I do this?

  • Scatter Plot (DataCHart) with two Y-axis

    Hi Folks,

    I need to build a scatter plot with two Y axis and assign series to each. D you have an example how to do it programatically? I.e. create axis, add to chart and assign series?



  • Mask negative x-axis in xamDataChart


    I am using Infragistics 2016.1 WPF XamDatachart.

    I am getting a circle chart ; what I need is to mask the negative x axis values . If I remove the negative xaxis values from the series collection I get lines pointing x= 0, y =0 .

    Any help would be…

  • Legend style mismatch



    I am having totally 3 different lines series (using scatter line series) in my xamdatachart.
    I have used StrokeDashGap property to manage the line types, such as solid line, long dash line, dash dot line.


    Now the chart appear properly but my legend…

  • Multiple series lines via scatterSeries plot


    I am using Infragisitcis XamDataChart 2016.1 for WPF. I am trying to create a scatter series plot with multiple lines and each lines having different styles. ie., the first series need to have a plain line, the second series need to have a dotted…

  • Make start and end labels for an axis always visible and editable for quick range edits

    Current behavior at startup

    After zoomed in/out

    Would be great if the start/end labels is always visible (with the new values)


     Click here to play this video

    Also would be great if the start and end labels (for whichever axes type it is possible) were made editable so…

  • XamZoombar - how to get events from buttons


       I'm using zoombar inside DataChart and I want to handle double click event depending which button have been clicked. Is there any way to get such event? Thanks in advance for any help! Best regards!

  • XamDataChart HorizontalZoombar set scroll position.

    Hi, I have a chart with a HorizontalZoombar. Currently when it draws, the scroll bar is set to the far right (last item on the timeline) and the user has to scroll to the left to view the first chart entries. I would like it to default to the exact opposite…

  • Movable chart legend

    I have a simple chart with Legend. its all good. However I am not able to find a property to make the Legend moveable.

    The legend is shown on the Top Right corner of the chart, but need to make it move OR drag it around within the chart area.

    How do I…

  • CursorPosition in CrosshairLayer not over data point if zoomed


    I have a binding for CursorPosition in CrosshairLayer:

    <Setter Property="CursorPosition" Value="{Binding DataCursorPosition, Mode=OneWay}" />
    If I change the zoom it is placed not over data point, if not zoomed works fine.
  • Double-click event in XamChart

    I want to double-click the chart view. How can I call the event on double click?

    What I ultimately want to do is move through the coordinate system gestures of the drawn chart. After that, when I double-click on the chart, I want it to return to the origin…

  • XamDataChart Lineseries tooltip is showing "Infragistics.Controls.Charts.DataContext"

    Hi Team,

    Recently we observed one issue in tooltip for XamDataChart Lineseries.

    We are getting  "Infragistics.Controls.Charts.DataContext" as a prefix to the actual text.

    If the tooltip value is "Sales" in Xaml, Then Control is showing…

  • Provide vertically anchored equivalents to the following horizontal anchored category series.

    I am working with the following XamDataChart types:

    • Spline
    • Line
    • Point
    • StepLine
    • Column
    • Etc...

    Each of these are horizontally anchored using HorizontalAnchoredCategorySeries. 

    I learned via support that Bar is the only chart type anchored using VerticalAnchoredCategorySeries…

  • Markers on legend missing in 21.2 vs 19.2

    Hi Folks,

    I upgraded from 19.2 to 21.2 version of Ultimate for WPF. All good but suddenly I'm missing markers on my legends (see below) when I revert references back to 19.2 all seems to work again. 

    What could be the issue? I only changed references…

  • Different behavior between SplineSeries and ScatterSplineSeries about smoothing

    Hi there,

    When using the ScatterSplineSeries, we figured out a strange behavior.(as shown below)

    As you can see, the right part (blue one), which is using ScatterSplineSeries, the dotted line goes a bit left then goes right.

    At meanwhile, the left part…

  • Chart Marker Precedence


    I have a chart that has a series which plots one or more custom markers. The user can select one of the markers to highlight and the intention is that the border thickness of the marker gets thicker when selected and that the marker jumps in front…