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  • MVVM Custom X Axis Label

     Hi Everyone,

    I am trying to display Clinet Name on X Axis, I am using MVVM Architecture.

    Is there any way I can bind my ClientName property to X Axis?

    Addition to that can I rotate my X-Axis Text?

  • Series binding in XAML


    I am binding to my chart's series collection by using the method in this post, suggested by Graham Murray

    There are some comments in there like

    //this could be made more efficient…

  • Bug with ScatterLine and a single point?

    The XamChart docs state that for a ScatterLine chart:

    It is recommended that the numeric columns contain 2 or more rows so that a line can be drawn between two data points

    From: ms-help://NetAdvantage_WPF92/NAWPF_WPF92/WPF/xamChart_Scatter_Line_Chart…

  • Binding dates to scatter chart in code behind

    When I run the code below it gives me completely wrong dates on my X axis the existing dates are today - 10 while the dates that apear are all 30/12/99 - this only hapens when i bind frome code behind.  If i create my axes and series in XAML there is no…
  • Binding to DataPoint.Fill

    We are populating the DataPoints in a pie chart dynamically based off user options.  Their could be 1 to X number of DataPoints so we want to let the control select the colors for the DataPoint.Fill.  However we are creating our own legend for styling purposes…