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  • UltraDayView and Exclusive Dates

    Given an Appointment with a Start Date of say 1/1/2011 12:00 AM, End Date 1/2/2011 12:00AM is it possible to not have it span 2 days? I would prefer it to show in the AllDayEvent area on the start date.


  • How can I tell what the last scheduled day is when using range occurance count?

    Hello, is there a way to extract the date of the last occurrence instance when you’ve set the control to display a pattern with a selected number of occurrences? For instance I certainly know the end date when the occurrence pattern has a fixed end date…
  • Change year in UltraMonthViewMulti without using the inbuilt functionality


    I am using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.UltraMonthViewMulti, I've set the 'YearScrollButtonVisible' to false. Now according to the requirement I am using windows buttons and then trying to scroll thru years on the calendar but I am not able…

  • Copy & Paste Appointments

    Hello. I want to implement copy & paste functionality for appointments in ultradayviews. Setting a selected appointment as clipboard data works, but i dont know how to retrieve the selected "cursor" position for pasting. How can i find out what the user…

  • Custom events on custom DateButton in UltraCalendarCombo

    How do you create and attach custom events to a custom DateButton in the UltraCalendarCombo control?  The online docs are..... incomplet.  I see no where in the properties to set the name of my method, and no events are available in code where I can attach…

  • Programmatically create an UltraComboCalendar

    Is it possible to programmatically create an UltraComboCalendar and display it at a given Point in an UltraGrid?

    For example: I have an UltraGrid with a Checkbox column, when the cell is clicked the checkbox is checked. As the cell is clicked (or when…

  • Monthly View for the Current Year only


    I am trying to create a monthly view using ultramonthviewmulti control. But I am not able to display the months only for the current year. The months appear in a rolling 12 months fashion from the current month. (see image attached)

    I have tried…

  • multiple working times for a single day

    I need to show lunch hour timeslots as unavailable and shaded in the same way as timeslots outside the working hours are shown. Ideally I would have liked to specify more than simply a WorkDayStartTime and WorkDayEndTime for the DayOfWeekSettings for…
  • UltraCalendar able to choose a specific day only

     Is it possible to force the user to choose like only Monday's.


  • How to hide start-end time in an appointment

    For the UltraDayView, how do I stop the start/end time from showing up?

  • Trouble editing single occurrence of recurrence

    I'm having trouble editing single occurrence of recurrence. I'm using a custom appointment dialog and can load it and save the series fine but when I chooses Open This Occurrence, make a change, and save it then it removes the recurrence and makes it…