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  • How can I sort the AppointmentsCollection


     I have an Appointments collection, each appointment being a custom class which inherits from the Appointment class.  What I need to do is to sort the appointments collection based on a customer propererty in my extended appointment class.  I can then…

  • Is there a way to sort the display of appointments?

    I'm using data bound CalendarInfo and MonthViewSingle controls. Is there a way to sort appointments according to some custom criteria? As best I can tell, within a single day the default behavior is to list them by start time, and if multiple appointments…

  • Capture doubleClick event for a paticular day on a MonthView Calendar

    Is there a way to  capture doubleClick event for a paticular day on a MonthView Calendar?  The only event I see for this is the DoubleClick on the monthviewCalendar and that also captures double clicks that occur on the scrollbar or anywhere else on the…