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  • Creating bands for childnodes in code behind without postback

    Hello, I am creating my whole WebHierarchicalDataGrid in a separate function in codebehind.

    I create a couple of Dataviews with Relations and bands with columns for the levels.

    Now some strange things happen:

    As soon as i set the initialbandwith to…

  • InitializeRow event. How do I know what view it's part of

    How do I determine the view that a particular e.Row.DataItem is part of in the InitializeRow event?


    Specifically, I'm wanting to set one or more properties for a Template column from the code-behind at runtime.  Is InitializeRow the correct event…

  • The data does not correspond to valid JSON.

    Hi all,

    after a couple of days of looking for a solution to my problem, I hope you'll be able to help me.

    I am getting the "Cannot deserialize" error when attempting to add a new row in my child band.

    Here is my aspx:



  • Runtime Exception

    I'm trying to bind a HierarchicalDataGrid to a HierarchicalDataSource. The data source is composed of two objectdatasources. When I set the InitialDataBindDepth = 1 I can expand an see the child band. But when I set the InitialDataBindDepth = 0 and expand…