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  • Help inserting/updating data in WHDG

    I have the following in my aspx page:

                            <ig:WebHierarchicalDataGrid ID="whdgSchedule" DataMember="dvSchedule" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" AutoGenerateBands="false" DataKeyFields="ReportScheduleID" InitialExpandDepth="1" InitialDataBindDepth…

  • Async error with maxJSon length property


    When using the whdg i get the next error when having it filled with much data. Can you help me fix the problem?


    Async request failed


  • Re: WebHierarchicalDataGrid fetching all data while paging


    I am also getting the same issue. Did you got any idea/solution for this issue? please help me!!!!

    How we can set that page count manually, becuse now WHDG(even include ChildGrid also) while loading datasoucre based on the total records having only…