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  • Changing the datasource

    Is there a way to clear the viewstate for the grid in order to change the datasource from the code behind?  

    I have a requirement that the users are able to change the datasource being viewed in the grid at any time or basically recreate the grid with a…

  • WebHierarchicalDataGrid Sending Existing Rows back to server after edit



    AutoUpdate = False, BatchMode= True










    EnableAjax="False" EnableAjaxViewState="False"


  • SQL Saving Child grid entries

    My grid looks something like this...

          Parcel Details
          Parcel Notes.

    The notes row is the only row that's editable.  Notes can be added and edited, but not deleted.

    Everything is working just fine, I can edit notes all day, but ADD is the…

  • Proper way to filter child rows

    quick rundown of what im doing, i have a list of Parents with Children as normal, both the parents and children have macaddresses (field mac), the children are associated to the parents by a field "assocmac" ... the issue is i needed a way to search both…

  • How to bind data Programmatically for the Bands of a WebHierarchicalDataGrid

    How to bind data for the WebHierarchicalDataGrid and if we declare a bands in the aspx page, how to bind the data for these band and how to build the relation between parent and child.