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  • WebHierarchicalDataGrid with multiple bands hierarchy Custom Styling

    Hi, i have a WebHierarchicalDataGrid with multiple bands hierarchy.

    I try to change the appearance of the grid by applying our css.

    In the 1st and 2nd level all work fine, but from 3th level alignemet and size of cells is wrong.

    Somebody help me???

  • Problem loading a webhierarchicaldatagrid with a dataset containing 0 rows


    I'm using infragistics 11.2. I have a webhierarchicaldatagrid with 3 levels.
    I have a dataset with 3 tables, each one for each level.
    If the dataset tables have at least one row, everything works just fine. The webhierarchicaldatagrid  is loaded…

  • WHDG child row and horizontal scroll

    I'm working with Infragistics 10.2 controls (version 10.2.20102.1011).

    I have a WHDG with fixed width to 1000px.
    My band childs, each row, needs a greater size than that 1000px and in this case, I'd rather than the horizontal scroll…

  • WebHierarchicalDataGrid client side event are raised multiple times

    Good morning,

    I have a WebHierarchicalDataGrid with 4 bands and I have set the click and double click client side event.

    Both works, but here is the problem :

    if I'm in the first band the event is raised one time

    if I'm in the second band the…