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  • Applying filters on webdatagrid results in object reference error

    Good day,

    I have a webdatagrid on my page and have a datasource for it as object list. The code is like this:

            private List<AccommodationPrio> GetPrioritiesSelectionData()
                GoGoYield_Entities entities = Master.GetEntities();
                int? intBrandId …

  • "datasource contains no schema data" error

    Good day,

    I get a "datasource contains no schema data" error on my 2010v2 webdatagrid. The biggest problem is that i do have data in the datasource. I have the following errorStackTrace:

    [NotSupportedException: Data source contains no schema…

  • WebDataGrid Databinding Flat DataSource

    Hi ,

    I havent seen any example for Runtime databinding with Relationship based DataSet.I wanna do this scenario in my site.

     I have got Access Database.There is two table with relationship many to one named Products and Categories.So i wanna show my Foreign…

  • Display two column split row collection

    Hi everyone,

    I would like to know if it's possible (and more important HOW it's possible) to create/databind a webdatagrid with the rowcollection displayed over 2 columns.

    E.g.: I have a datasource with 20 rows of different products.
    I want to…

  • WebDataGrid with MasterPage

    I am following the example from to bind to an ObjectDataSource. As it stands, it is working and I am also successful activating…