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  • WebDropDown event is not firing when the dropdown place under the webdatagrid


    WebDropDown event is not firing when the webdropdown place under the webdatagrid.Please provide your needful help on this.

  • MultiSelect DropDownProvider used in WebDataGrid as editor provider questions

    I am using .Net Advantage version 9.2.2056 (the latest Service Release).

    I have a WebDataGrid (bound to SqlDataSource) using a DropDownProvider (bound to SqlDataSource; basically a WebDropDown) for one of the columns as its editor provider. 

    The WebDataGrid…

  • WebDataGrid Dropdown is not writing to SqlDataSource

    I am new at Infragistics and this is my first post. I tried to follow the following video

    For some reason I am getting Null back at my stored proc. Any ideas?


    <asp:Content ID="Content1…