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  • WebDataGrid's columns do not hide in AJAX mode while their Hidden property is set to true

    I have a WebDataGrid, a multiselect WebDropDown above it and an "Apply" button

    All are placed in one UpdatePanel.

    The WebDropDown is populated with the columns of the WebDataGrid and the user can check the multiselect ceckboxes of the WebDropDown…

  • Vertical Text on WebDataGrid's Header

    Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to have vertical text on my WebDataGrid's headers (It only has to work with IE).

    So I first created the following entry in my css:





    th {



    : tb-rl;




  • Re: How to resize columns in code behind

    I worked out an even better solution that provides me much more control over the columns by creating generic bound columns in the code behind.  I can then manipulate all of the attributes available to a traditional bound column.  Here is my code (thank…

  • Re: WebDataGrid's columns do not hide in AJAX mode while their Hidden property is set to true

    The version that I use is

    Infragistics35.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v9.2, Version=9.2.20092.1003



    I could not find the version that you mention - 9.2.20092.2061 - on the website.

    Is it published yet?

    (IG website says that some…