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  • The Power of Pumpkin Spice

    There are almost three weeks of summer left, all of the leaves are still on the trees and I’m already craving pumpkin. How has this traditionally Thanksgiving flavor taken over the third of the year between Labor Day and New Year’s Eve? The pumpkin spice…

  • McMansion Problems - Don’t Design for the Extras

    There is a blog that I love called McMansion Hell  –  you know those crazy monster houses built in bulk starting in the 1980’s? They are usually found in great clusters and sometimes on very small pieces of property relative to their immense size;…

  • The Stroop Effect and its Implications in UX Design

    What happens when your brain is trying to process conflicting streams of information? Let’s find out.

    Read this list of colors to yourself:












    Piece of cake right? You are only concentrating…

  • Amazon's Wish List Problem

    Someone gave me Quicken 2014 for Christmas.

    Don’t get me wrong, it was a good gift, a very practical gift, I needed it, and I’ll definitely use it, but compared to the other things on my Amazon wish list, it wasn’t exactly a fun gift. Certainly not the…

  • A Frank Lloyd Wright Approach to Digital Design

    Frank Lloyd Wright was a pioneer, an Avant-Garde architect who broke free of the design traditions of his era. His ideals are still used in architecture today, and his buildings have stood the test of time, remaining relevant in today’s digital age. As…