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  • UX of Responsive Web Design

    What is Responsive Web Design?

    Ethan Marcotte first used the term Responsive Web Design in his article in A List Apart in May of 2010. Marcotte explains that designing for every screen size and device is not practical, there are simply too many devices…

  • Benefits of Semiotics in User Interface Design


    Essentially, Semiotics is the study of signs or symbols and their meanings. It is a science that seeks to investigate how signs are formed and its core concept is to define the transfer of meaning to a sign. It is comprised of three main parts…

  • The Magic is in the Details: The Beauty of Well Designed Micro-interactions and the Horror of Badly Designed Ones


    What are microinteractions? Microinteractions are the tiny details of a process that create the flow from beginning to completion. Dan Saffler defines Microinteractions as single moments within a use case.  They are discreet touch points that support…

  • First Impression of BlackBerry 10’s New Design

    Besides the big release of Microsoft Windows 8 OS, another potential hit at the beginning of 2013 must be BlackBerry 10.  With glimpses at some of their key features from developer previews, I've tried to compare it with Blackberry’s current OS, 7.1…

  • The Stroop Effect and its Implications in UX Design

    What happens when your brain is trying to process conflicting streams of information? Let’s find out.

    Read this list of colors to yourself:












    Piece of cake right? You are only concentrating…

  • A Frank Lloyd Wright Approach to Digital Design

    Frank Lloyd Wright was a pioneer, an Avant-Garde architect who broke free of the design traditions of his era. His ideals are still used in architecture today, and his buildings have stood the test of time, remaining relevant in today’s digital age. As…