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  • UltraGridCell loses his focus in IE7


     I can't find any solution for my problem:

    On my page a button ("ButtonAuswahl") allows adding a new row in an ultrawebgrid and input data in the 3rd cell of this row. After clicking this button the new row appears and the cell is activated and…

  • Sorting Columns and Row Index


     After sorting a column by clicking on the header, the row index property isn't updated to reflect the new order.

    I have an ultra grid with a user name column and a textbox where the user may type in a username to search for.

    On the ultragrid…

  • AfterRowActivateHandler - how to print cell value


     I want to handle AfterRowActivateHandler event of Webgrid, using this how I can get value of perticular cell of selected row.
