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  • I have a problem exporting infragistics’ objects to Excel.

    We have an application where we export to Excel files using “UltraWebGridExcelExporter”, but it shows the following error:
                       "Internet Explore cannot download form.aspx of "
     "Unable to open this Internet…
  • Export to PDF / Excel

    I am using the new export feature that is part of 7.3 that let's you export the content of the grid to PDF / Excel. When I use it on my development machine both PDF and Excel exports work fine, but when I deploy it to my production servers running…

  • Exporting large amount of data

    Hello All,

    I have been struggling with exporting a webgrid into excel that contains about 20,000 rows.  My IE just stops trying.  BUT, on Firefox it takes about 30 min before it exports the data.  Most of my users are on  IE so I need this to work.

    It does…

  • UltraWebGridDocumentExporter does not work when used in User Control?

    I'm having trouble getting a PDF export to work when I put my grid into a User Control. The same code works fine when it lives in its own aspx page. Are there any known issues with this?

    - All the User controls are inside a WebAsyncRefreshPanel:
