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  • Checkbox in the header how to keep values on sort and how to make it not moving

    I am trying to implement ultrawebgrid and I have problem. I have checkbox at the last column in the datagrid. First I would like all the columns in the grid to be able to move, sort and filter, but I want to prevent that checkbox column from moving, I…

  • Update the Masked Value client side


    I am trying to implement a user sorting button on rows in a grid. The grid has groups. The user can either select an item and move it up or down within a group or they can select a group (and its items) and move that up or down. Hopefully that makes…

  • Change Cell BackColor at Client

    I tried to imitate the codes from Here is what I did, =


    However, I got the error "'' is null or not…

  • igtbl_fireEvent(gn, eventObj, eventString)

    Whenever the java script call this method cell.endEdit(true), the event stop at this line


    {result=eval(eventObj[0]+eventString);}catch(ex){return false;}

    in the above event handler.

    The value for eventObj[0] is "UltraWebGrid1_EditKeyDownHandler" and…

  • CSOM resize() function not working in 2008 Vol.1 !?!?!

    Hi All,

     I just upgraded to version 8.1.20081.100.

    I used the Project Updgrade Utility to upgrade my project. Now I get a JavaScript error  when using the resize() function of the grid on clientside. The error occurs in ScriptResource.axd on line 6485 at…