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  • Net Advantage 2011 vol 2 - ultrawebgrid control - update is not working in some web pages


    I am using NetAdvantage 2011 vol 2 - version free dlls in our web base application.

    Dlls version is 11.1.20111.2020. And my web base application is in VS 2010 with .net framework 4.0.

    All web pages are having functionality of create, update, read…

  • ultrawebgrid heirarchy bands problem



    I have an heirarchy of ultrawebgrid with 'n-level' heirarchy

    my heirarchical data as follows..

    1-->  data1



    2--> data4





    this is heirarchical data…

  • Get Filtered rows


    how i can get only the filtered rows of a webgrid?

  • How to control the progress indicator image when sorting the grid

    I am able to change the progress indicator when filtering or when user scrolls down to get the next batch of records (using loadondemand=xml), but it won't use my image when sorting, it uses the default indicator.  This is the javascript I used that…

  • Ghost image in ultrawebgrid


    I have a custom menu.For menu creation i am using frame inside div.On click of document i am making div's visibitity as well as iframe's visibility to none.I  am displaying that menu on click of menu image provided in the ultrawebgrid.while…