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  • Checkbox of one record is changed to another record by using Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.UltraGridRow

    There is a grid in a webpage where user has to select some rows as their wish with the help of check boxes. After checking a row the user clicks save but and it should save the dat that corresponds to the selected row. But when user selects a row and…

  • Unbound checkbox losing state after second postback


    We have found the following behavior with Web Grid, and want to confirm if the same is a bug.

    Created an Unbound column of CheckBox Type, and placed a 'Test Postback' on the page (outside the WebGrid).

    1. Check one or more Check Boxes

  • Excel Import Examples

    Is there a howto or sample app for importing an excel file or doing a copy paste from excel to webgrid?

  • Webgrid ignores DblClick event with XmlLoadOnDemand?

    I'm using v8.1. When using XmlLoadOnDemand with the WebGrid, the control will fire the server side DblClick event -only- on the first page of data. As soon as I move beyond the first page of data, a double-click fires only a PostBack. Am I missing…
  • Expand all rows for multiple level of groups


    I just want to know if it is possible to expand row for grid having multiple level of groups. I tried to used ExpandAll method and its working only to group having one level



    Group 1

    >>>>>> Group 1.A

    >>>>>> >>>>>>…

  • Excel Export & Filter

    I'm using the UltraWebGridExcelExporter control to export my WebGrid data to an Excel file. So as to export all data (and not only the first 50 rows), I use the following "technique", as advised in the (defunct-now) old Infragistics forum …

  • XML Load-On-Demand child row click event

    I have a 7.3 UltraWebGrid bound to a two-table hierarchical dataset. It loads and works fine, i.e. the parent rows load first and when you click to expand a parent row, it then pulls down and loads the related child rows. Here is my question: When I click…

  • WebGrid client side unselect row deselects all selection on multiple grids

    Hi, I'm using web grid 11.1 and trying to manage selection on the client side. There are two grids that should exclude each other selections, if grid one has selection then grid two can't have any rows selected. 

    After grids are loaded if check…

  • How to remove Pager Link Underline?

    Dear all,

              I am using web grid in site. I change the Pager link color. i need to change the underline of the link. Help me any one.......





  • doesn't work in FireFoix - AfterRowTemplateClose Event


    I trying to find a answer to this.

    I am using the AfterRowTemplateClose client event and tried to find out which button that trigger it using

    if( == "igtbl_reOKBtn")

    It works fine in IE, but I know it does work in…

  • Accessing Footer value in ultrawebgrid


     I hv added a column runtime in webgrid and i want to access the value of footer element ,,any help.

    this is the code by which i have added a column.

    infragrid_keys.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns.Add("Total", "Total");


  • Filter combobox based on value selected in another combobox

    My WebGrid has several columns that have a WebCombo set as the EditorControl.  How can I filter one combobox based on value selected in another combobox? 

    I don't think that I can use the strategy detailed here, because my query is much more complex and…

  • UltraWebGrid.LoadPostData is terrible slow


    I testing the performance of the UltraWebGrid in my test project using a profiler.
    I'm using Infragistics2.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v7.2, Version=7.2.20072.61

    I'm working without viewstate and I'm binding my grid on every postback, I found that every…

  • igtbl_addNew and igtbl_rowsAddNew


    Whenever I try to add rows to the grid clientside, I get Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected and it cannot find igtbl_rowsAddNew or igtbl_addNew

    I am using 10.3 CLR 2 WebGrid and it is set to LoadOnDemand=XML and Browser=Xml

  • Google Chrome & UltraWebGrid. Compatible or Not?

    I've got a problem. One of the datagrids a website which I am developing, doesn't show any rows >ever< when viewed under the new Google Chrome browser that was released earlier today.

    Has anyone else noticed any inconsistences with the Infragistics…

  • retrieving column name

    I need to obtain the column name from a right click on a context menu within a webdatagrid. Is there an example available for retrieving this information?

  • initializeRow does not fire for inner bands


    I have WebGrid that displays data in two bands; I want at the InitializeRow to update a value of a cell in the inner Band (BandIndex = 1); however the initialize Row gets fired only for the first band.

    The first band has 6 rows and the inner…

  • Ultrawebgrid Filter on Checkbox Column

    Hi,  I have a grid with all text columns but one.  I have filtering enabled and it works for all of the text columns, but it does not work for the checkbox column.  The checkbox column is of type boolean.  How can I get the checkbox column filter to work…

  • WebGrid: unsetting ReadOnly fails


    When using the ReadOnly property and setting it to LevelTwo (no data changes possible), and after PostBack I set it to NotSet, the grid does not re-enable editing.

    I'm using 2010.1 SR1.

    Please help me fix this issue quickly thanks!


  • Webgrid columns are cut off

    My ultrawebgrid works fine until there are enough columns to turn the scroll bars on.  Then the last column on the right (sometimes more than just the last one) cannot be seen. 

    I have 9 columns that are defined in the markup code.  All the other columns…

  • WebCombo as User Control in UltraWebGrid column

    Hi All,

    I'm trying to add a WebCombo inside of a UltraWebGrid column.  I'm doing this inside of an overriden CreateChildControls method which, for each row, queries the DB for the drop down items and adds the control to the cell in question.

  • in every cells dynamic diffrent valuelists (comboboxs)

    hi there

    i read this and no problem but i want in every cells, dynamic-diffrent valuelists..

    example make all column rows same…

  • ValueList in a specific cell and column?

    Is it possible to dynamically create a valuelist in a specific cell and column?


  • Exporting ultrawebgrid to excel spreadsheet is it possible to add header to the document?

    I have an ultrawebgrid and I print it out to excel and it works great.  However I really need to be able to add text to the header and footer of the document when it gets printed out.

    I'd even be able to settle if the above isn't possible for adding a…

  • Pagination for expanded group row

    I am trying to group 12k records through web grid. I turned off paging to group all records. some of the groups have upto 3000 records, opening such group is taking too long.  I want to add pagination for the expanded row group when the records are more…