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  • Pagination & Fixed columns


    I am using Net Advantage for ASP.NET version 2009 V1.  I need to give the pagination for UltraWebGrid which has 4 to 5 fixed columns.  After enabling pagination, fixed columns are not displayed, when i nagivate thru the pages after first page. Could…

  • UltraWebGrid - UpdateRow / UpdateRowBatch and Paging


    I'm using the UltraWebGrid, using LoadOnDemand="Xml" for async postbacks.  I have a datatable I keep in the codebehind that I populate when the user requests the grid be filled.  When generating the table, I add a boolean column directly…

  • Client side event for grid page index change


     Did we have any client side event which occurs when a grid page index changes? I am using Ver 7.3.


  • Binding Grid to Custom Data Source

    I'm trying to bind a UltraWebGrid to a custom data source that is derived from the DataSourceControl class.  I'm having a problem with paging.  The grid is loading the first time just fine with the correct set of data and the correct number of pages…