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  • X Axis text orentation

    I have a chart that is connected to a DataTable datasource, it returns 32 rows and the labels on the "X" axis all appear Horzontal instead of vertical, I have attempted the following with no success

    ultraChart1.Axis.X.Labels.Orientation = TextOrientation…

  • How to set X and Y axis of 3D ultrachart from DataTable (urgent)


    I am using UltraChart 2009.2 version. Can we set the Source Column of X and Y axis from the DataTable? 

    E.g : Consider a Product Table with columns, name, cost, qty:

    ultrachart1.DataSource = dt;


    ultrachart1.Axis.X = "name";…

  • Bar Chart: X/X2 Axis Label Dynamic Values


    i wanted to display a bar chart where x-axis interval values is not fixed. Do we have any such property throught which this can be done?



  • Last Label does not display in Composite Line Chart

    I have created a composite line chart that displays multiple line chart layers which plot OK but the final data label on the X-Axis is not shown. In a different composite chart I have a column layer with multiple line layers and this works as expected…

  • X-axis Label Alignments


    I have constructed a composite chart with one Area series of data. If I set the AxisLayoutLabelBehavior to Auto for the X-axis, it correctly adjusts the size, staggering, etc of the labels depending on how more data points exist and the size of the…