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  • Drag & Drop with WinChart and other controls


    in my app, I have a winchart and a navigation control like a WinExplorerBar or a WinTree (I'm not sure which one serves me best). In the navigation control there is a list with many items, each item represents a data series. I would like to select…

  • How to highlight a selected node in WinTree under WinExplorerBar

    I am using a UltraWinExplorerBar. I created groups , nodes programatically. I have a grid populated when the user clicks on any node of the tree in explorer bar

    I have two questions

    1. Once the user clicks the grid I lose the highlighting on the treenode…

  • Control Container Sizing Problem, Avoid Scrollbars in control container


    I have docked (Fill) an UltraTree in a control container within an explorerbar group at runtime. Is there any possibility that the control container resizes itself according to the number nodes in UltraTree?

    Actually I want to prevent scrolling…

  • Re: Tree View not filling up UltraWinExplorerBar Group Container


    I have docked (as Fill) an UltraTree in a control container within an explorerbar group. Is there any possibility that the control container resizes itself according to the number of visible nodes in UltraTree?

    Actually I want to prevent scrolling…