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  • ultratree remove node

    I have an Ultratree that is NOT bound to a datasource. I load the nodes recurrsively via nodes.add. When a node is selected, I allow the user to delete the data linked to the node. I delete the data in sql based on the key of the node and then I try to…

  • Why can't SelectedNodesCollection be converted to TreeNodesCollection

    I am implementing the ability to cut/paste multiple nodes within a UltraWinTree. In order to do that, I need to save off the selectednodescollection to a an object. I know I can probably do this with multiple lines of code by either looping through the…

  • Set the appearance of an unfocused selected tree node


    In a Win UltraTree, the selected UltraTreeNode has a specia appearance when the tree is focused.

    But as soon as the tree loses focus, the user cannot see which is the selected node. This is not a very good from a usability stand point.

    I would like…

  • UltraTreeNode.Selected = true does not make the node appear selected

    I'm using this code to find an existing node it the tree. I want the found node to appear selected/blue to the user, just as if the user clicked it with the mouse. Once this code executes, the UltraTree.SelectedNodes collection contains the node that…