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  • UltraGrid - Combo type field, is there a way of adding an expression to determine which of two display texts to show


    I have a combo and it can show two different display texts for the same value. I have inserted code below to show this in a grid.

    In the combo field there are two options for each "Not Viewable" entity. There is also another filed that actually shows…

  • Using the UltraCombo whose list values are dependent on another cell

    I need the ablility to select multiple values for a cell where these values are dependent on the value of another cell in the same row. I can get the multiple values to work via the UltraCombo and a similar approach as suggedted in article "Creating a dropdown…

  • How do I remove empty space from UltraCombo......


      I am using UltraCombo on my form. If user scroll records in the UltraCombo then after last record it showing

    some extra blank space.  I want to remove this empty space.How do I do this?

    Please advice





  • Using a UltraComboEditor with checkboxes as a EditorComponent of a UltraGrid Column.

    I use a UltraComboEditor control with checkboxes as a EditorComponent of a UltraGrid Column.

    The UltraGrid Column is bound to a SQL Server varchar(1000) column.

    I want to display inside this column a series of Bank Branches, the user can check the Branches…