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  • UltraComboEditor autocomplete


    I'm using UltraComboEditor with DropDownStyle - DropDown and AutoCompleteMode - Suggest.

    It searches fine, but user can type any text, even if it is not in the combobox items. How can I limit user with combobox items? DropDownStyle DropDownList…

  • UltraComboEditor - Can I Use a Custom Control for the DropDown?

    I'd like to use a ComboBox control that when the dropdown button is pressed will display my custom control instead of the standard ListBox control.

    An example can be found in the Visual Studio Properties window when editing a form. The BackColor property…

  • Databinding Array to UltraComboEditor (v7.3)

    There seems to be an issue when binding array to UltraComboEditor.  For instance the following will work..

     UltraComboEditor.DataSource = new int[ { 0, 1, 2, 3 };

     ... but the following will NOT...

      UltraComboEditor.DataSource = new MyClass[ { new MyClass…

  • Changing the displayText of a Binded UltraComboEditor


               I have a combo Editor Control which is  bound to a datasource. But I would like to change the display of the combo, basically append some extra text based on the value of another control. When I attempt to do this the selectedItem becomes nothing…