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  • Losing current value of UltraCombo while clicking on DropDown button.

    I am using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraCombo for getting the Drop down List.

    and hence selected,  DropDownStyle = UltraComboStyle.DropDownList; But I'am losing it's value (i.e. udRuleContext.Value) when I click on drop-down button.

    I am…

  • [UltraCombo] DropDown list doesn't be closed.

    The Scenario is like the below :

    1. Click the expand button of the UltraCombo control. -> The dropDown list is shown.

    2. Click the other controls. -> The dropDown list is closed.

    3. Click the expand button again. -> The dropDown list is shown…

  • UltraCombo turns blank if set to DropDownList

    I have a multi-column drop down showing employees in a client form. The ValueMember (and primary key) is ProducerName. Drop down shows Producer Name and Type, and hides everything else.

    In DropDown mode, this works great. In DropDownList it appears blank…

  • ValueList of icons in a WinGrid has extra white space

    I have an UltraWinGrid and a column whose style is set to DropDownList and is bound to a ValueList of icons. If I set the ValueList display style to be "Picture" then I get about 5 icons worth of white space at the bottom of the DropDownList. If I do…

  • UltraComboEditor - Can I Use a Custom Control for the DropDown?

    I'd like to use a ComboBox control that when the dropdown button is pressed will display my custom control instead of the standard ListBox control.

    An example can be found in the Visual Studio Properties window when editing a form. The BackColor property…

  • Re: A form combo box selection the dropdown boxes inside the data grid are set

    hi Mike

    Basicly in this case I have a wingrid and it has a dropdown box in one of its columns.  Somewhere else on the form i have a combo box with the same value list next to the combo box I have a button control Named "Update All"  What I need…