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  • how to combine 2 series in Composite chart

    Hei Guys,

    I want to creat a composite chart with a ColumnLayer and a LineLayer.

    The ColumnLayer has 2 Series.The result is:

    how can i change the Appearance of the chart.

    that the series ar combinde and the colors are red, green, red, green f.e.

  • Composite Charts - Co-ordinated chart areas

    I have a requirement to implement the attached chart in .NET, and I am evaluating Infragistics for the same.

    A brief description about the chart:

    This has two chart Areas.
    ChartArea1; It has two Y-Axes and a common X-axis for showing time.


  • ColumnChart column size (pixels)

    I'm using a ColumnChart-type Composite Chart with 2 data series and SwapRowColumns = True (so to have the data on the 2 data series coupled each other on the graphics).

    For my purpose, I need to have the 2 columns in the graphic exactly overlapping…