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  • UX of Responsive Web Design

    What is Responsive Web Design?

    Ethan Marcotte first used the term Responsive Web Design in his article in A List Apart in May of 2010. Marcotte explains that designing for every screen size and device is not practical, there are simply too many devices…

  • Benefits of Semiotics in User Interface Design


    Essentially, Semiotics is the study of signs or symbols and their meanings. It is a science that seeks to investigate how signs are formed and its core concept is to define the transfer of meaning to a sign. It is comprised of three main parts…

  • The Magic is in the Details: The Beauty of Well Designed Micro-interactions and the Horror of Badly Designed Ones


    What are microinteractions? Microinteractions are the tiny details of a process that create the flow from beginning to completion. Dan Saffler defines Microinteractions as single moments within a use case.  They are discreet touch points that support…

  • The UX of Working With You

    The creative process can be an emotional roller coaster for both designers and clients alike.  Clients must trust the design team to conceive a solution that will meet the needs of their customers. The experience our client has throughout the design process…