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  • Map Projection in WindowRectChanged event


    I am trying to project few Symbol elements in the XamMap window rectangle changed event, but found that they were projected in wrong positions.

     I have a set of Lat,Longs and I am trying to plot them depending on the window Rectangle.I want to render…

  • Setting the correct coordinate system or using a multiplier?

    So I am using a shapefile of the island of Hawaii and I have a few points that I want to set on the map. There are a few things about this that are really confusing to me. First, the website states that the…

  • The new newbie's question for xamMap

    HI All,

    This is my second day get touch silverlight and XamMap, Here is what I am looking for :

    I am receiving my trucks' latitude and longitude every 15 mins. I need to show it on a road level maps.

    can I do it with xamMap ?

    How can I do it…

  • How to change map central point of "view"

    Here is our problem:

    Russia is very big country and eastern part of Primorsky Kray renders on the left part of the map (it is right for GIS but looks pretty ugly for financial reporting system:) ) see attached screenshot .

    How can we work around of…