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  • Change selection of start date of Xammonthview


    Whenever I add a appointment to the Xammonthview from my viewmodel that's not within the displayed datarange, the control doesn't scroll down to that appointment. For instance, if I set a appointment 4 months out from the current month in my viewmodel…

  • Disable prompt for local time zone


    How can I get rid of the local time zone prompt that comes when we first run the silverlight application?

    I have tried the following option, however not sure what should be the value set for LocalTimeZoneId?


  • Styling specific days in a XamCalendar

    Can you provide an example/guidance of how to selectively style specific days in a month in a XamCalendar? Specifically I am trying to change the Foreground color of specific days based on business rules.

  • XamMonthView Time Display

    Is there a way to hide the time stamp in front of appointments, tasks or journals?  

    Currently calendar items will display as "12:00am Test Item", but I would like it to simply display "Test Item" as if it were an all day event

  • XamMonthView - ActivityPresenter Styling Error inside TabControl

    Hi all,

    I'm trying to remove the time from the left side of XamMonthView appointments. The time only displays when the appointment is on a single day.

    I've successfully styled the control by customizing the generic.shared infragistics style, however…

  • Recurrence and Reminder property mappings


    I am using the XamMonthView which is binding to my own custom data and I am using property mapping to map my properties to the task properties which is working fine, however I want to be able to set the recurrence and the reminder using my own…

  • XamScehduleDataManager/XamDayView/XamWeekView questions


    I'm using XamScheduleDataManger in my SL5 application.

    I have problem showing working hour. I set 00:00 to 23:59:59(as I didn't want to have "NOT Working hour" Highlithed) as Working hour and now the XamDayView default starting time is 00:00…

  • Conditionally differentiate DayView appointment


    I'm using XamScheduleDataManager with XamDayView in my SL application to show my company meetings.

    In my application i'm the superuser so I can view all users mettings. I'm using the merged display mode. I'm already using different calendar color…

  • Problem with XamOutlookCalendarView.CurrentViewMode DayViewDay

    I have a problem with changing XamOutlookCalendarView.CurrentViewMode from OutlookCalendarViewMode.DayViewWeek to OutlookCalendarViewMode.DayViewDay.

    Changing to and from another ViewModes works perfectly, but in the case above simply nothing happens. I…

  • Place small icon on XamDayView activity


    I'm using XamDayView to show daily activities of our company employers.

    I'm already using activities's background property to show the owner user.

    Activities state can be 'under process', 'rejected', 'copmleted' etc. and to show this…

  • XamCalendar dateselection

    Hi, I have kind of a dumb question about XamCalendar.

    Is it actually possible for me to pick up events when a previously selected date has been clicked? SelectedDatesChanged obviously won't fire and the mousebutton events don't seem reliable either.…

  • Custom Controls in Lightswitch


    I develop LS app and use XamOutlookCalendarView silverlight control as custom conrtol.

    The XamOutlookCalendarView conrol is in other Silverlight Class and referenced in LS.

    The XamOutlookCalendarView control placed in simple User Control.

    I use…

  • Convert silverlight appointment to winforms appointment


    Our system utilizing both Silverlight and Winforms Schedulers. We synchronizing between them.

    I need a way to convert Silverlight Appointment to Winforms Appointment.

    Thanks in advance !

  • XamDateNavigator vacation day style

    is it possible to format the xamDateNavigator (apart from Highliting the day), like changing the foreground in red (saturdays and sundays, christmas ...)? 

    Best Regards


  • XamScheduleView - XamZoombar integration


    Is it possible to integrate XamScheduleView with XamZoombar, something like:


    If so can you please provide some sample?

    Best regards

  • XamDateNavigator HighlightDayCriteria

    I'm trying to set the HighlightDayCriteria without success:

    in XAML:

    <ig:XamDateNavigator x:Name="dateNavigator"
    DataManager="{Binding Path=DataManager}"

  • How to avoid PromptForLocalTimeZone (at least after the first time)...

    although I found the guidelines (and apparently applied them correctly) I don't succeed to avoid the prompt fot local time zone in my Silverlight project.

     I tried this:

    private CustomTimeZoneInfoProvider tzip = new CustomTimeZoneInfoProvider…

  • Trouble populating ListScheduleDataConnector with custom objects


    I have created appointment and resource property mappings for my ListScheduleDataConnector:

    <ig:ListScheduleDataConnector x:Name="lsdMyTasks" >

  • Scheduler control sample example to show monthly,daily and weekly views

    Hi all,

        Could anyone, please give me a sample example to have a scheduler with month , weekly and daily view.

    And one more thing i want to add a appointment from  the code behind. Iam using 10.3 version of Infragistics dlls.


    Thanks in advance..

  • How can I Change "Click here to add appointment" in xamScheduler 11.1 version to some thing which suits my requirement?


    I am using a scheduler control(outlook calender view ) infragistics 11.1 version.

    When I mouse hover to an empty slot "Click here to add appointment" is displayed.....I just wanted to change the "Click here to add appointment" text to some thin…

  • How do I close a Custom Appointment Dialog and return to the calling XamOutlookCalendarView?


    this is the picture:

    I have a solution with SILVERLIGHT/WPF shared code  and, whenever possible, I use shared UserControls in the 2 projects.

    I use my own custom dialogs (AppointmentDialogFactory : ScheduleDialogFactoryBase) in order to show…

  • How to change or localize TodayButtonCaption of XamCalendar?


    i'm using XamDateTimeInput controls with a CultureInfo "de-DE" (German). So the name of the months are in german and also the dayname abbreviations (Mo,Di,Mi,Do,Fr,Sa,So) refer to the german name of the weekdays. Only the TodayButto…

  • Question about XamSchedule ActivityDialog

    I create my own activitydialog  programaticlly. here is the code.

    XamRibbonGroup vXamRibbonGroup = new XamRibbonGroup();
          ButtonTool vButtonTool = new ButtonTool();
          vButtonTool.Caption = "Save & Close";…

  • Appointment Color Change

    I want to change the Appointment`s color in XamMonthView.

    I was tried that changed the BaseColor property of ResourceCalender Class. But Result is calender`s color was changed.

    So, I was found properties of Appointment Class ..............hmm......…

  • silverlight xamschedule


    I want to disable certain time slot from scheduling of appointment.
    E.g. I dont want user to create appointment between 12PM and 1PM.
    Is there any setting by which I can disable certain timeslots from creation of appointment?

    Can I pass some time collection…