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  • xamWebChart rendering is slow when using within TabControl

    I have a web page with two tabs and a couple scatter line charts on each tab. Switching between tabs take 10-20seconds with Silverlight v10.3 web chart. This is mostly due to charts re-painting. All data is already on a client. When charts has no data 

  • Catch event when chart loaded


    I am trying to hook on to an event that fires when a chart with a single series has loaded. The problem is that the Loaded event for XamWebChart fires before it is rendered. I tried using the following code but the event fires far before the points…

  • xamWebChart Data Binding Performance

    Hi, all.

    I have 12 xamWebCharts on a page. Each is a line chart. I want to bind each one to a set of data ( a list of ints).  Each set of data contains 100 ints.  For each chart I create a series in xaml, then bind to the data in code. For each one I do…