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  • Can DataTemplate be applied to xamWebChart label as xamDataChart does?


  • Currently selected datapoints in XamWebChart


    I have the following scenario. 

    There is a XamWebChart with ZoomRectangle property enabled. 

    Our requirement is to get the DataPoints selected in the ZoomRectangle area(before or after zooming) so that we can process the data. 

    Any suggestions on…

  • Series with different number of datapoints

    Is it possible to show two series with different number of datapoints on the same chart.  For instance, I want to have a column graph with 12-24 columns that has a line graph showing a limit drawn with just 2 datapoints.  I would also like to draw a trend…

  • Value does not fall within the expected range when assigning zero to marker's fontsize


    I was using SilverlightDV 9.2 and recently purchased DV 10.2. So upgraded the 9.2 code to 10.2. The following code is working fine with Silverlight 3. But when I change the target silverlight version to Silverlight 4, it throws "Value does not fall…

  • xamwebchart tooltip passthrough

    I have a chart showing bound data as tooltips and it works well.  I have added a magnifier(set of behaviors class) that captures a bitmap image at two times scale that shows in a circular area over the hover spot.  The tooltip does not display.  I have tried…