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  • How to use XamWebChart?

    hy,please give me a example how to use XamWebChart if it has any detailed example or video please paste the link?


  • XamWebChart Multiple Series Result in Warning


    I have two series in the same xamWebChart (line graph) and both series have markers.  I noticed that sometimes when I load data onto this chart, I will get this really obscure error which forces me to resize the chart and it correctly shows the two…

  • Problems with DateTime Formatting and Changing X-Axis Intervals


    I  am having some serious problems trying to format the x-axis of the xamWebChart (using the version from 10.1) and changing the x-axis intervals.  I don't want to see every date on the chart because there isn't enough space for it, so I want to see…

  • Currently selected datapoints in XamWebChart


    I have the following scenario. 

    There is a XamWebChart with ZoomRectangle property enabled. 

    Our requirement is to get the DataPoints selected in the ZoomRectangle area(before or after zooming) so that we can process the data. 

    Any suggestions on…

  • Line series questions

    1) How do I change the color of the line? I tried changing the stroke property, but the line remains red

    2) At this time, my line starts/stops at the first/last x axis grid marks.  How do I make the line traverse the entire chart (go from edge to edge…

  • Series with different number of datapoints

    Is it possible to show two series with different number of datapoints on the same chart.  For instance, I want to have a column graph with 12-24 columns that has a line graph showing a limit drawn with just 2 datapoints.  I would also like to draw a trend…

  • XamWebChart - X Labels not showing when using XAML, but X Labels show when using C -- What is the difference?

    With the following C code the contents of the X labels(String Date) are shown on a line chart using the following C:

                Series ChartIIPulls = new Series
                    Label = "Pulls",
                    ChartType = ChartType.Line,
                    DataMapping = "Label=SDate;Value…

  • What does the "Data Source" need to be set to when using XamWebChart - WCF


    Can connect up the data souce using C# and get XamWebChart to build a line chart.  What should the value of DataSouce be when setting the DataSource within XAML using BLEND.

    How to connect to a service reference within XAML?  Should it be connected…

  • Catch event when chart loaded


    I am trying to hook on to an event that fires when a chart with a single series has loaded. The problem is that the Loaded event for XamWebChart fires before it is rendered. I tried using the following code but the event fires far before the points…

  • xamWebChart Data Binding Performance

    Hi, all.

    I have 12 xamWebCharts on a page. Each is a line chart. I want to bind each one to a set of data ( a list of ints).  Each set of data contains 100 ints.  For each chart I create a series in xaml, then bind to the data in code. For each one I do…

  • xamWebChart for ECG


    I have worked with Infragistics ASP.NET and WPF controls before, and am considering a purchase of the Silverlight controls for an upcoming project.  I plan to use it for display of ECG data, i.e. 12 leads (waveforms) of data displayed as a line chart…