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  • Re: Combo Box inside XamRibbon for SIlverlight Controls 10.3

    Using the example code, how do I databind the selected item?

    Also is there any plans to add a combobox tool to the toolset.  The microsoft Ribbon bar has combobox tool?




  • Is it possible to right-justify a ribbon group?

    Is it possible to right-justify a ribbon group within the XamWebRibbon (IG 10.1)?  If so, can someone post some sample XAML?  I would like to have a group containing a "Logoff" button tool that is located to the far right of the ribbon, separated from the…

  • Hide / Disable a Button in Ribbon Control

    I want to disable or hide a button in my ribbon group:

     <ig:XamRibbonGroup Caption="Tune" x:Name="TuneGroup" >
                                <ig:ButtonTool x:Name="TuneButton" Caption="Tune" 
                                               IsEnabled="{Binding IsTuningEnabled, S…
  • Using SeparatorTool



    how can I use the separator tool? When I add a ButtonTool, SeparatorTool and another ButtonTool, the ribbon control raise an error. Is this a bug?

    Here ist the Xaml:
































  • MenuTool opening performance


    In my application I have MenuTool in XamRibbon with list of reports. Customer may have many reports for example over 30.

    Programmatically creating MenuTool with about 30 items is terribly slow.

    How can I improve performance?

    Best regards

  • ButtonTool Command


    I'm using MVVM Light toolkit in my SL project.

    I have a page(with the ViewModel setted as DataContext) with an XamRibbon which contains some ButtonTools and i'm setting the Command property of the ButtonTool to a RelayCommand declared in ViewModel…

  • Mini toolbars

    Do the XamRibbon have any functionality that makes it easy to add Office UI mini toolbars ?



  • Fix size of ButtonTool


    I'm using IG XamRibbon version 12.1.

    In the attached image i'm showing how the ButtonTool appear by deafult and how appear after click event(after wich i change Caption and Image). Because the new Caption is longer than previous one, the buttontool…

  • Ribbon: Iterating through buttontools in code-behind

    How can I iterate through a group of buttons on the ribbon and disable them, instead of using FindById for every buttontool.


  • usercontrol in xamribbon


    is it possible to have a usercontrol in a XamRibbonTabItem or XamRibbonGroup? can you please point to some sample code on this?



  • Issue with Ribbon Persistence


    when the user has exported the ribbon's layout, and we deploy a new version of the application (which add a new tool on one of the groups), the tools are all messed up if the user loads the exported layout.

    The commands associated with the tools…

  • Tooltip on a RibbonTool


    How can i add a tooltip to a ribbontool?



  • ToolTip over disabled ButtonTool


    I have to show tooltip on disabled ButtonTool to inform user about the reason of disabling. How can I achieve that?

    Best regards

  • Bug in ContextualTab data binding?

    I am trying to bind the IsVisible property of a XamRibbonContextualTab to a property in my viewmodel.

    This works:

    <ig:XamRibbonContextualTab Content="{Binding TabContent}" Key="DepatchTab" IsVisible="True" BaseBackColor="Blue">…

  • Persist Ribbon Customizations from code to a stream


    how can i save the ribbon customizations to a stream from code, without using the customization window?


    Thank you in advance,


  • QuickAccessToolbar Line



    I need to hide the first line of the Ribbon.

    (The line with the QuickAccessToolbar)


    This line makes no sense inside a browser...


    Is this possible?

  • RibbonTool.IsEnabled not refreshing the UI when done from a callback


    I am pretty new to silverlight, so this may well be nothing to do with the control. I guess i should explain the issue first.

    We have a XamRibbon with a number of RibbonTools in it at start up, I am able to then set the buttons IsEnabled as and…

  • Ribbon performance and memory leak with theme

    In a test app, I had a small (two context tab) ribbon:

     <ig:XamRibbon HorizontalAlignment="Left" Name="xamRibbon1" ApplicationMenuMode="Office2010" VerticalAlignment="Top" >
  • Un-handled exception thrown by QuickAccessToolbar


    I have recently upgraded my project from Silverlight 4 to Silverlight 5. I was using Infragistics 2011 vol 1 previously which I've uninstalled and installed 2012 vol 2. The project was not giving any compilation/run-time error before up-gradation…

  • DateTimeEditor and FontDropDown in Ribbon

    Hi All !

    I need to insert some datetime and FontDropDown editor in Ribbon. 

    Both of them can be done in Infragistics Winform ribbon. Can it be done in Silverlight ?

    Can anyone help ?

  • Hide QuickAccessToolbar completely

    I am using XamRibbon. How can hide/remove completely the top bar and default tab (marked in red color below)

  • Application hangs when using the RibbonControl with a collapsed XamRibbonGroup


    Please use the following example to reproduce the issue.

    <UserControl x:Class="Infragistics.RibbonIssue.MainPage"

  • XamRibbon 12.1: ButtonTool Images not working correctly!

    Hi infragistics i have just noticed the the ButtonTool has a major Bug! when you set the smallImage and the LargeImage property they dont show in some cases! my Xaml code below when i run it i only see images for the Maximum property i set for "ImageOnly…

  • Customizing context menu for a gallery item


    Is there any way to customize a context menu that appears for gallery items? Right now there is only "Add Gallery To Quick Access Toolbar" item in the popup menu, but I need to show custom menu items similar to Office 2010 Styles Gallery http…

  • Null reference in QATMenu.EnsureVisualState

    We have a SL application built suing SL4, but currently using IG 11.2 ribbon. We've a couple of error messages appear occasionally. I'm assuming they may be related.

       at Infragistics.Controls.Menus.Primitives…