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  • Why does Hierarchy not respond?

    I am having a major problem with PivotGrid perfomance. Our company thinks  to buy  your Silverlight visualization controls  and I am testing PivotGrid controls for available cubes. The cube has a hierarchy  that contain 2 level. And All hierarchy  has 120000…

  • xamPivotGrid with custom Cube structure.

    Hi, i'm new with Infragistics xamPivotGrid and i have a question about whats the best way to use it in my aplication.

    I have a custom model of a data Cube that have some classes as cube, dimension, mensure, hierarchy, level and many others on the…

  • XamPivotGrid with FlatDataSource - how row related data can be accessed

    Hi, I'm checking the XamPivotGrid and I need the ability to get the associated with the selected row data object:

     In sample: FlatDataSourceCB.xaml I added selection by rows and hanling for SelectedRowsCollectionChanged event:


  • Save view doesn't include the sorting state of the columns

                   Go to Pivot Grid/Save and Load Views example on Infragistics web site -
                   Sort column, for example “Accessories”. Save the view. Load the view…
  • The measure groups combo is not cleared when a new database is selected

                   Open XMLADataSource example.
                   Select new database. Do not select cube. The combo box for selecting measure groups remains filled with the measure groups of the old cube/database.
                  On the picture no cube is selected but the combo box…
  • Expanding of the second dimension on the axis

    1. Go to

    2.Drag and drop “Date” dimension behind “Product” dimension.

    3.If you click on the arrow before Date and expand “All periods”.…

  • XmlaDataSource syntax in C#

    How is the syntax in C # for this code?

          Database="Adventure Works DW Standard Edition"
          Cube="Adventure Works…

  • Olap data - Default to display members of dimension instead of ALL

    Is there a API property to the QueryAxis or related objects to trigger the display of the individual members of a dimension when added to the DataSelector.  Currently when the dimension is added, it returns the .All member which represents a grand total…

  • How I can restrict access to cubes?

    We are using the XamPivotGrid, we restrict access to certain hubs through Service Analyze SQL 2008 (via XMLA) using as parameter the user ID logged. Another way I thought is removing cubes programmatically. Greetings. Carlos Rdz.
  • Cube Writeback

    Hello everybody,


    I am looking for a quick how-to which provides insight on enabling the grid for Cube Writeback. My cube is definitly writeback-enabled and I set all reasonable properties on the grid.


      <igPivot:XamPivotGrid x:Name="pivotGrid" Loaded…

  • Meaures and Data Selector


    I currently am building a cube that will be used in a FlatDataSource. I have everything working correctly but I have one question.

    The data I am pulling comes from a web service and comes back in one giant joined table (its type is a List).…

  • Update pivot grid on data changes

    I am using a flatdatasource and would like the xampivotgrid to display changes in the actual data values either on a button click or automatically. So if the data is modified by another control or in the background I want to refresh the values as efficiently…

  • How to use XamPivotGrid?

    Hi,Can any one tell me how to use XamPivotGrid? please give a simple example so that i can bind it with sql server database



  • KPIs in XamPivotGrid


    Does the XamPivotGrid  control of v10.3 supports KPIs in Analysis Services ? What about the calculated members are they supported in this version ?





  • Date Column is not in sort order.


    I am using PivotGrid to display a collection of my custom class i.e. MyOrders. MyOrders class have on Date type field OrderDate.  I added OrderDate field to pivotGrid column, But pivot grid did show the column value in sorted order.



  • Sorting don't apply at runtime.


    I am saving last sorting applied of pivot grid in xml. I want to apply this sorting on users next login. Sorting is saved properly but I was unable to apply this sorting at runtime. I refer the pivot grid documentation for sorting and trying exactly…

  • Drag and drop - trial version

    In the trial version of the pivot grid to silverlight can not drag and drop the rows, columns and measures?
    Or have to configure anything else that is not in the examples of the site?

  • PivotGrid doesn't follow attribute hierarchy selections

    Since it wasn't possible to hide unwanted hierarchy levels in UI, I created a new attribute hierarchy which had only one level of members. Now when I'm using this hierarchy instead of the old multilevel hierarchy I get weird behavior from PivotGrid…

  • xamPivotGrid with custom Cube structure.

    Hi, i'm new with Infragistics xamPivotGrid and i have a question about whats the best way to use it in my aplication.

    I have a custom model of a data Cube that have some classes as cube, dimension, mensure, hierarchy, level and many others on the…

  • xampivotgrid relational database

    Dear members, am looking for any samples of using the xampivotgrid control with a relational database. any help will greatly be appreciated.

  • Excel export example problem with compact layout


    As I have noticed the excel export example messes up the row headers when the pivotgrid has the compact layout set to true.

    Best regards,


  • The XamPivotGrid gets slicers. Data analysis just got a little simpler

    One of the new features of Infragistics’ XamPivotGrid is the XamPivotDataSlicer. This is a convenient tool that provides the end user with an easy way to apply additional filters to the hierarchies selected in the columns, rows and filters areas and…

  • Assemblies and namespaces needed for a XamPivotGrid application

    Dear reader,

    If you are interested in developing an application with XamPivotGrid and you haven't heard about the Infragistics Startup Solutions you might be wondering what assemblies and namespaces you need to add to your project. In the general…

  • How to use the Calendar control as a Slicer for the XamPivotGrid – part 2

    Last week I blogged about creating a basic slicer that looks like a calendar and upon selection of dates from it the data in the pivot grid is filtered. Here is the link to that article if you’ve missed it.

    This week we’re going to build up on what…

  • XamPivotGrid is now fitted with rocket engines

    The 2011.2 release has been a very busy one. Lots of new features and lots of improvements. The XamPivotGrid control got a lot of attention in the past few months and in addition to the new XamPivotDataSlicer control it also got a bunch of performance…