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  • SeclectionChanged event fires too many times in certain situations

    According to your documentation the correct event to use to detect a change in value from the combobox is SelectionChanged.

    This event is firing twice when the combobox is configured in the following way (irrelevant properties removed)


  • SelectedValue & SelectedValuePath

    Does anybody know how I can bind the XamComboEditor to my viewmodel?  I have a collection of objects databound to the combo which is working fine, however I can't seem to bind the selected to value to a property on my model object.

    On the standard…

  • XamComboEditor

    Is there a way have an editable XamComboEditor act like a readonly XamComboEditor when the user clicks on the control and it pops open the list ?


  • XamWebComboEditor with string list not working

    I'm using XamWebComboEditor with a list of strings List<string> and I cannot get it to work. The selectedItem doesn't work at all and the editor doesn't allow to select any values. If I change the ItemsSource to be a list of custom objects List<CustomObject…