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  • Error MT5211: Native linking failed, undefined Objective-C class Xamarin.iOS Native .dll

    Hi, I added IGChart.Unified.dll file to my xamarin iOS native project references , it is working in simulator but when I running into device I am getting errors. I am attaching the log please check it and tell me procedure how to fix it.

    I attached Screenshots…

  • Multiple colors on same column nuclios

    I am nuclios and IGChart with IGColumn series type, i want to design each column with different colors.

    Eg: if x position is 1 and y position is 20. I want upto 10 red color,  10 to 15 grey color, 15 to 20  blue color, is there any way can design different…

  • IGChartView : Custom Data Styling (ObjectiveC / Xamarin.iOS - Monotouch)


    NucliOS 2014 v 1 introduces the ability to style individual parts of Category Series based charts. Now when certain datapoint needs to be brought to attention, you can change it's appearance dynamically.

    So how does this work, well…

  • Custom IGChartView Labelling (Objective - C / Xamarin.iOS)

    Why are we here?

    When showing data in the IGChartView, a common question is how can one format the data for the axis labels.  So I threw together a little sample on how to use the IGChartViewDelegate

    -(NSString)chartView:labelForAxis:withItem method and…

  • Adding Data to the IGChartView at runtime (Xamarin.iOS / Objective C)


    Last week a customer asked in our forums how to add data at run time to the IGChartView.  After answering the question I figured I would convert the sample over to Xamarin.

    So attached is a zip file with both the Xamarin-iOS sample with the IGChartView…

  • iOS NSString stringWithFormat: Performance (Objective-C)


    The string functions of most programming languages can cause performance slowdowns when they are frequently used. With iOS development you will see NSString references and its method calls all over the place. It is well known that Objective…

  • Custom Axis Labels on iOS Charts (Objective-C and C#)


    When visualizing data and presenting it to your users, the readability of your presentation is key. Users should be able to look at the graphic like a body of text and have an understanding of what is being presented. One key element that…