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  • Empty feed nuget

    Good morning,

    I have a license for Infragistics WPF whose support ended at the beginning of 2019 (until release 2019.1). I've always used packages from your nuget server. Now the nuget feed is empty? It's correct?

    Thank you in advance,


  • Provide NuGet Packages including SIGNED dll's


    currently Infragistics provides the following "packages":
    1. Nuget Packages => Nuget Packages with Version and Signed, but includes NOT Signed dll's, Version-Free
    2. Version-Free => dll's NOT signed, Version-Free
    3. Version…

  • Allow Infragistics Private Repo To Be Able To Be Proxied By Authorised Package Manager

    Our development community are behind a proxy and are prohibited from downloading files from the internet.

    To help work with this restriction, we have a package management repository tool which allows us to cache the files that the developers required…

  • Nuget packages for .NET Framework

    I've got an older .NET Winforms application that targets Framework 4.7.2. I need to change it so the Infragistics libraries it references (UltraWinGrid, UltraWinDock, UltraWinToolbar, UltraWinTree) to get loaded via Nuget rather than referencing a location…

  • xamDataPresenter nuget package missing?

    Hello - I'm about to migrate our library to .NET 5 and I'm thus replacing all our assembly references to Nuget package references. However, I have not yet found the Nuget package which contains InfragisticsWPF4.DataPresenter.v21.1.dll (or the corresponding…

  • The Nuget 'Infragistics.WinForms.Datasource' is targeting not existing dependency.

    The assembly UltaWinDataSource is referencing the 'System.ComponentModel.Primitives, Version =', which hasn't got a 5.0 version.

    Error    CS1705    Assembly 'Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDataSource' with identity 'Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDataSource…
  • Broken dependency with Infragistics.WinForms.TabControl NuGet package in Framework 4.5

    It seems the TabControl has not any minimum .NET framework version requirement when installing, but is targeting the System.Drawing.Primitives, Version = 5.0.0 package.  which is only available on .NET Framework 4.6.1

    As is impossible install the Primitives…

  • Building solution using private Nuget Repository without installing license on Build Agent

    We are using a Workflow for Continuous Integration and Delivery of our Software.

    When I check in my Code into Git, it is getting reviewed. Then I can trigger a build on an MSBuild Server which is located in a centralized Docker. My Code is going through…

  • NuGet Packages Won't install


    I'm trying to use VS NuGet package manager to Install the Infragistics.WinForms (19.2.134) to a .Net 4.8 project and I keep getting this error in the Package Manager console:

    Could not install package 'Infragistics.WinForms.Shared 19.2.134'. You…

  • nuget feed responding with Anonymous Login Not Allowed

    I updated my nuget source with the correct username and password but I still get this issue. Can I download the package files from the website rather than use the nuget feed?

    source\repos\TOD_Infragistics\TOD_API> dotnet add package System.Linq

  • Nuget Feed


    Can you confirm that your nuget feed is available?

    When trying to access this using the package manager console I am recieving the following error:

    [Infragistics] The V2 feed at 'packages.infragistics…

  • Infragistics nuget packges 2012 and 2016


    Is it possible to provide an infragitics nuget installer  for 2012 and 2016 versions Please. Just like Infragistics_WPF_20171_NuGet.msi


  • Where are the 18.1 NuGet packages?

    We are upgrading from 17.1 to 18.1.  I just installed 18.1 using the Platform Installer, and can't find the NuGet packages.  With 17.1, they were located in both "C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\2017.1\Windows Forms\NuGet Packages" and "C:\Users…

  • All access to non-Infragistics PowerShell Nuget access fails without Infragistics Credentials

    Once I set Visual Studio 2017 to use Infragistics licensed feed all PowerShell command line references to NuGet warn and then fail.
    Registered Sources:
    PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-PackageSource
    Name                         ProviderName     IsTrusted  Location
  • Using the Ignite UI for JavaScript NuGet package in ASP.NET Core MVC projects

    NuGet is one of the most popular tools for sharing code. In the following article, we will explain some specifics when using the Ignite UI for JavaScript NuGet package to create an ASP.NET Core application.

    Until version 2017.2 of Ignite UI for JavaScript…

  • ASP.NET Core - Using Ignite UI components

    ASP.NET Core 1.0 is here, providing some new and exciting features that we can’t wait to get our hands on!
    We’ll take a look at some of the key features and concepts that were introduced as part of the redesigned ASP.NET Core together with examples…
  • Getting started with .NET unit testing using NUnit

    It’s usually good practice to have automated unit tests while developing your code. Doing so helps you find bugs early in the development cycle and saves you time in the long run. These tests can be run by the developer multiple times to verify the…
  • Ignite UI and NuGet

    NuGet is a powerful ecosystem of tools and services. It was introduced in 2010 as an open source package manager for the Microsoft development platform including .NET.  NuGet is the easiest way to improve and automate your development practices.

    When you…