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  • Resizing Tree in Firefox


    Using the information in the thread at, I've been able to get a WebTree to resize from client-side Javascript in Internet Explorer, but the same method does not work with Firefox, I have not tried Safari…

  • WebTree client-side resize not working


     I have a WebTree control embedded on 5 groups on a WebListBar inside the left column of an HTML table.  The column width is set to 22%, the WebListBar's width is 100%, and the WebTrees on each of the WebListBar groups is set to an initial width of…

  • Set server-side "SelectedNode" object to null by javascript

    Hi guys,

    The behavior I want to implement is "Reset" the UltraWebTree on Client-side.It means collapse all nodes and clear selectedNode by javascript.

    My problem is my javascript method can't change the SelectedNode object to null on Server-s…

  • Can get the value of the seleceted UltraWebTree's node with javascript?

    I can get the name of the selected UltraWebTree's node  with javascript, for example:

        function NodeClick(treeId,nodeId)  
            var node = igtree_getNodeById(nodeId);
            if(node == null)
            var nodename=node.getText();         

    so now,I want to get…

  • Things happening in a tree -after- a WARP RefreshComplete.

     Hello all, I have a WARP panel inside which is an UltraWebTree control.

    At a certain level of the treeview, when you select a node, it goes through the refresh process, and after RefreshComplete fires, the parent node is no longer selected... but after…

  • Error initializing the UltraWebToolbar.

    When I add an UltraWebToolbar toolbar to an UltraWebTab dynamically it works fine, but when I create a new tab and add another UltraWebToolbar I get "Error initializing the UltraWebToolbar".  The first toolbar still works fine?

  • Issues on clicking Infragistics Web Toolbars with selenium automation tool.


    I am encountering an issue during selenium automation of tool bars created in my application. I have used IE developer tool to fetch the object properties of a button in the toolbar like "SearchListToolbar_Item_2".

    Now what is happening…

  • Javascript error- Error Initializing UltraWebToolBar

    Im having problem using the UltraWebToolBar component.

    It works well if i choose BrowserTarget = DownLevel
    If i use will show the toolbar in text only..
    When i choose BrowserTarget = UpLevel or Auto, it will display the nice 3D
  • Get tbCustom controls from Client side javascript

    I'm trying to get the text value from a WebCombo that is inside a tbCustom object on an UltraWebToolbar so if it is empty I can cancel the postback. 

    I can get a reference to the tbCustom object (tbSearchBox) by using the Toolbar.Items.fromKey method…

  • Proper way to cancel a button postback?

    I have a toolbar button that is autopostback. On some instances, I want to cancel the postback during the client side click event. Is there a way to do this? I'v tried just about everything... The obvious

    oButton.AutoPostBack =

    false; does not have…
  • client side databinding


    I am using Ingragistics 6.2 and I need to bind the web grid from client side javascript. I saw there is a feature call loadondemand using XML which I havent tried. My requirement is, I have a collection object from AJAX webservice which I need to…

  • UltraWebGrid and doPostBack


    I am using the UltraWebGrid inside an UpdatePanel on my page and I am getting numerous Javascript errors after I call the __doPostBack function from a client-side event handler. The grid works fine beforehand, but after the function is called many…

  • WebGrid Client Side Add Row

    I'm trying to use client side JavaScript to insert and delete rows from a WebGrid.

    For instance, to delete, I run this script (partial  and it deletes the selected rows from the table.

        function DeleteRows(gridId, deleteColumnPosition)
            var grid = igtbl_getGridById…
  • Ultrawebgrid Javascript resource

    Is there a central repository of Javascript functions and knowledge for the UltraWebGrid?

  • CSOM resize() function not working in 2008 Vol.1 !?!?!

    Hi All,

     I just upgraded to version 8.1.20081.100.

    I used the Project Updgrade Utility to upgrade my project. Now I get a JavaScript error  when using the resize() function of the grid on clientside. The error occurs in ScriptResource.axd on line 6485 at…

  • Webgrid HeaderClick_Handler(gridName,HeaderId,MouseKey)


    how can i handle value return by clientside function

    function HeaderClick_Handler(gridName,HeaderId,MouseKey)


    HeaderId = HeaderId.substring(HeaderId.lastIndexOf(


    if(HeaderId=="5")//for header after…
  • Clientside cell updating data problem


     I am using a webgrid with subbands and a RowEditTemplate to edit a subband. I'm doing the recommended clientside script to fill the edittemplate and write it back to the corresponding row, so far this all works fine.

    The problem is that when…

  • Retrieving Selected Rows On the Client

    I'm using an UltraWebGrid to display a set of data.  The grid allows users to select multiple rows.  I would like to know if there is a way to retrieve the selected rows on the client-side using javascript.  I saw that there is a javascript method to set…

  • webmaskedit text selection on focus

    I want to select a portion of text in a webmaskedit control when it gets focus.


    I used the ClientSideEvent Focus to call my javascript.

    function setPhonePosition(oEdit, text, oEvent) {


    this seems to work but then…

  • WebPercentEdit: Client side Event does not fire after setting value in script


    If a user enters a value in the WebPercentEdit control, and the value is changed in the valueChange event; if the user enters the same value as previously, the valueChange event is not raised.In the code below; if user enters 1, the value is set to…

  • Switch between WebMaskEdit and WebTextEdit for Postal Codes during runtime

    I have a page that has employee info, such as their address.  I want the user to be able to enter in US zip + 4 using the WebMaskEdit (Zip Code), but they also need to be able to enter foreign postal codes, which need to have alpha characters, such as…

  • WebNumericEdit set focus

    How do you set focus to a WebNumericEdit textbox on page load?  I have the following javascript in the page header:


    script language='JavaScript'>


    function SetFocus()


    var editor = igedit_getByID('txtQty');


  • cant set value to a webcurrencyedit


    i have 3 webcurrencyedit , i want to multiply de values of 2 webcurrencyedit and put the result on the third webcurrencyedit

    i made this function in javascript... i can get the result of the multiply but cant set the value to the third webcurrency…

  • WebDateChooser with no javascript enabled


    I have a webdatechooser that I want to be able to use in the event that a user has javascript disabled.

    It still appears although the date picker obviously does not work. However, if you manually enter a date mm/dd/yyyy, on postback, the contents…

  • WebDateChooser ==> IE7 : Cant Init script for webdatechooser

    Using : .NET Vol 3. for 3.5

    The webdatechooser in on a webpanel. The webpanel resides in an UpdatePanel. No code was added for the control yet. I just wanted to see what the control looked like with the style presets....

    Unfortunately, IE states "Cant…