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  • UltraWebGrid - UpdateRow / UpdateRowBatch and Paging


    I'm using the UltraWebGrid, using LoadOnDemand="Xml" for async postbacks.  I have a datatable I keep in the codebehind that I populate when the user requests the grid be filled.  When generating the table, I add a boolean column directly…

  • Suggested approach for handling drag/drop operation with a WebGrid

    I'm trying to figure out how I should handle a drag/drop operation.

    The source will be a tree node and the destination will be an Infragistics WebGrid.

    Can anyone suggest the way I should go about this.  I'm using VB as the code-behind.  However…

  • Javascript Error in Version 8.3.20083.2039

    Every attempt to edit a gridcell containing a dropdownbox shows the following errormessage:

     cStyle is undefined

  • Webcombo in WebGrid doesn't show when using cell.beginEdit() in FireFox

     Hi All,

     I have come across a problem in firefox. I have a webgrid with webcombo on a page, (ajax enabled and uses update panel) I have also added the webgrid CellClickHandler on client.

    Basically, if a user first click on a cell, another webgrid on the…

  • Mouseover CPU Spike - client-side performance issue

    I'm experiencing an issue where my ultrawebgrid appears to be processing a lot of javascript overhead when i move a mouse cursor over it after rendering; the CPU spikes up to the 90% region almost immediately on the client machine.  I've already disabled…

  • UltraWebGrid and doPostBack


    I am using the UltraWebGrid inside an UpdatePanel on my page and I am getting numerous Javascript errors after I call the __doPostBack function from a client-side event handler. The grid works fine beforehand, but after the function is called many…

  • WebGrid Client Side Add Row

    I'm trying to use client side JavaScript to insert and delete rows from a WebGrid.

    For instance, to delete, I run this script (partial  and it deletes the selected rows from the table.

        function DeleteRows(gridId, deleteColumnPosition)
            var grid = igtbl_getGridById…
  • Ultrawebgrid Javascript resource

    Is there a central repository of Javascript functions and knowledge for the UltraWebGrid?

  • Retrieving Selected Rows On the Client

    I'm using an UltraWebGrid to display a set of data.  The grid allows users to select multiple rows.  I would like to know if there is a way to retrieve the selected rows on the client-side using javascript.  I saw that there is a javascript method to set…

  • Functions ig_getWebControlById & $find only find Warps

    I need help with getting my client side objects into variables.

    On the onload event of the html-body I call a delayed (1000ms) function that loads my different IG controls into a global variable. Either way I try to load the objects with ig_getWebControlById…

  • i want the div control to maintain its position after row in the ultrawebgrid is clicked

    i have 3 forms inbox.aspx-main form ,inbox.ascx -user ctrl called inside inbox.aspx,inboxitems.ascx -called inside inbox.ascx,the code for the forms are below

    inbox.aspx-only have the inbox.ascx form being called nothin else is there

     inbox.ascx- code
