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  • iggrid ungroupByColumn error while trying to ungroup


    I'm working on a MVC project with iggrid. My model has a list of items and I'm binding the table with items. All works well, accept when I'm trying to ungroup a column after grouping it.

     $(function () {

  • igGrid Combobox not working, unsure why not...

    I have copied syntax from another page that is working properly (4 comboboxes,1 utilizing multi-select), created by my predecessor.

    Here is the code that isn't working properly:

        ViewBag.Title = "XEUS Product Design Mapping";

  • We’ve got Ignite UI Grids shining in a Durandal SPA for you

       Long time ago, the web was all about static HTML content, and a bit of inline styles. JavaScript was primarily used for alert boxes and falling snowflake scripts (that websites used to load around Christmas). Then came AJAX, and things started to look…

  • Creating Ignite UI Cloud Applications – Using Spatial Data with Windows Azure SQL Database (Part 1)

     Ignite UI is the brand new Infragistics jQuery & HTML5 based framework. With Ignite UI, developers can create next generation, browser based, touch-enabled tablet, mobile & desktop experiences. In a series of articles will look at how we create real-world…

  • IgniteUI jQuery Grid Unbound Columns: Updating and Hierarchy

    igniteui-jquery-grid-unbound-columns-updating-hierarchyUnbound Columns bring you the freedom of flexible layouts in the IgniteUI Grid and neat support for features to make your grid behave like nothing’s that different.  After you’ve seen some of the capabilities (getting started blog) and inner…

  • jQuery Grids and Responsive Web Design

    Responsive Web Design and jQuery GridsResponsive Web Design has been abuzz for some time now. In case you just now clash with the term, it’s a web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices. Basically, a CSS3 / JavaScript…

  • Responsive Web Design with jQuery Grids: A closer look

    Responsive Web Design with jQuery GridsI really hope I got you excited about the Responsive Web Design mode for the Ignite UI Grids last time – as it is the kind of an unique feature that truly makes this jQuery control stand out! As previously explained it’s not exactly a simple thing to…

  • Ignite UI jQuery Grid Column Moving

    Ignite UI jQuery Grid with Column Moving feature. Dropdown menu visible on the shot.The Grid is one of Ignite UI’s bread and butter controls and its feature set just.. keeps growing! I guess that fact that Infragistics has done quite a few grid controls over the years helps. Ome of the latest additions is the The Column Moving feature…