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  • Scrolling for grid table is not working in firefox for desktop and in chrome its working fine


    I have been trying to find some solution for scrolling behavior for grid table in Firefox meanwhile its working fine in chrome. 

    also the mouse wheel scrolling is not working in Firefox. I dont know whats the issue with Grid but when i inspect the…

  • Right-click grid event handler in MVC app

    How do you wire up a right-click event handler for an IgniteUI grid in an MVC app?

    I need the jQuery event.clientX and clientY to open a context menu at the mouse cursor.

    I also need the grid row id and right-clicked-cell.

    Also: this right-click may occur…

  • Fixed Headers Without Vertical Scroll Bar


    I have infragistic grid with fixed column headers but currently it's displaying scroll bar with headers fixed at the top.

    Is there any way to remove vertical scrollbar without hampering fixed header functionality.


  • Using different template engines with Ignite UI controls

    header imageCreating an application is not only about making it functional it is about how the users will react to it. Did you know that when you create a mobile app for example a user decides in the first 10 seconds whether he likes it or not? So imagine how will…

  • Feature Persistence in the Ignite UI jQuery Grid and Hierarchical Grid

    Feature Persistence header imageDo you know what persistence is? Well when it comes to programming persistence means to save the current state of the process. Without this capability, the state will exist as long as the process is alive. This is an important feature when it comes to…

  • How to get started with jQuery Grid Unbound Columns

    Ignite UI jQuery Grid's Unbound ColumnsAn all new functionality with the second release for this year comes to bring more flexibility to your grid and the way it handles data. The unbound column is one of the classic grid features throughout Infragistics experience with grids and now user…

  • jQuery Grids with Multi-Column Headers

    jQuery Grids Multi-Column HeadersIf you’ve been reading the latest blog about the Column Moving feature of the Ignite UI Grid I’ve briefly mentioned Multi-column Headers. Well, just in case you missed it – that’s a fairly recent addition too! Through a very simple (and logical…

  • jQuery Grid Unbound Column: How to make the most of it

    Ignite UI jQuery Grid's Unbound Columns and configuring it to make the most of it.When in need of displaying columns with separate data – be it from a different source or based on the values of others – this new column type will prove truly helpful. Be sure to read the introductory blog on how to get started with jQuery…

  • jQuery Grids and Responsive Web Design

    Responsive Web Design and jQuery GridsResponsive Web Design has been abuzz for some time now. In case you just now clash with the term, it’s a web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices. Basically, a CSS3 / JavaScript…

  • Responsive Web Design with jQuery Grids: A closer look

    Responsive Web Design with jQuery GridsI really hope I got you excited about the Responsive Web Design mode for the Ignite UI Grids last time – as it is the kind of an unique feature that truly makes this jQuery control stand out! As previously explained it’s not exactly a simple thing to…

  • Ignite UI jQuery Grid Column Moving

    Ignite UI jQuery Grid with Column Moving feature. Dropdown menu visible on the shot.The Grid is one of Ignite UI’s bread and butter controls and its feature set just.. keeps growing! I guess that fact that Infragistics has done quite a few grid controls over the years helps. Ome of the latest additions is the The Column Moving feature…