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  • UltraWebGrid v.3 showing "Edit Column"

    I am using the UltraWebGrid from 2004, vol 1 version in a .NET 1.1 framework web application.  I have several instances, some with hidden columns, some are read only and some for data entry.  I know it might help to update the application, but that is not…

  • Ignite UI jQuery Grid Column Moving

    Ignite UI jQuery Grid with Column Moving feature. Dropdown menu visible on the shot.The Grid is one of Ignite UI’s bread and butter controls and its feature set just.. keeps growing! I guess that fact that Infragistics has done quite a few grid controls over the years helps. Ome of the latest additions is the The Column Moving feature…

  • How to get started with jQuery Grid Unbound Columns

    Ignite UI jQuery Grid's Unbound ColumnsAn all new functionality with the second release for this year comes to bring more flexibility to your grid and the way it handles data. The unbound column is one of the classic grid features throughout Infragistics experience with grids and now user…