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  • Re: Template for a half-circle gauge?


    I need only the half-crcle Guage meter without any border. I am able to do this with the help of previous comments but there are some white space comes on the bottom half of the guage. How can I remove the white space in bottom half?

  • Gauge Gallery

    I want to ask if there is a gauge gallery for silverlight like in

    accompanied by the code (xaml or c#) that builds each gallery item.

    Or is there an easy way to build and style gauge controls…

  • how to set the gauge image name by code

    We need to create a personalized name for the image (jpg) created to represent the value of the gauge, by example, in place of ucIDH_0fdyxu55ouedxjbrri55nd55.jpg, a name like ValueOfProductivity01Jun2011.jpg, how can we achieve this?

    Thank you 



  • Re: Gauge image missing seemingly randomly


    I am aslo getting the same issue images are comming intermittently, is there any fix available?




  • Ultragauge saveto error

    when I use the save to method, i get the next error

    System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Acceso denegado a la ruta de acceso 'c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\imagenes'.
       en System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
       en System…

  • How to Set The text of a Tick Mark Interval

    I was wondering how i would set the text of a tick mark Interval

    For Example if the Tick Mark Interval is 1000, i want to set the label so the user sees 1Kb. 




  • How to Implement the Ultragauge Clock

    Hi Everyone,

                          I need some help implementing the ultragauge clock. I have tried  searcing for it everywhere possible but i couldn't find any specific information on it. I am new to infragistics controls so i basically dont have ,uch idea about the ultragauge…

  • Deep Data Binding on Gauge Controls Help

    I'm setting up some forms using the Gauge control, and would like to be able to bind the control to a data source (the output from a stored proc in SQL Server).  Looking over the control docs, I can see that Data Binding is available only for the top…

  • WinGauge labels

    Hi, I am using the wingauge control in a section of my company's CRM dashboard and I am having trouble getting the gauges' labels to display without looking cluttered or having them look like they are sitting at arbitrary distances from the gauge itself…

  • Gauge Designer Crash and Paint Issues

    Has anyone else had issues with the gauge designer where it crashes and has paint issues in regard to the controls for setting the different values of the object? Is there an end user solution to the issue or do you know if there is a patch for this?

  • scales collection inaccessible?


    I'm using a trial version of Infragistics2.Win.UltraWinGauge.v10.3.dll.

    The problem I'm having is that I can't get to the scales collection (and below) in code (

    For example, it should be possible to type : ultragauge1.gauges…

  • Scales - setting at run time

    I'm developing a Vb app and have added an UltraGauge to my form. On the designed, I set the axis value to 0 - 80 and all is well.

    My problem is that I need that to change based on the data displayed. The axis maybe 0-80 for one display but on a different…

  • How to make a deep Copy of a Marker?

    Hello there,

    I'm using the Basic01 preset gauge and wanted to add an additional marker. I
    want the marker to be exactly the same of the original, but a different color
    (e.g. Color.FromArgb(77, 232, 0))

    All that is fine and good, but I'm bit lazy and don…
  • How to change UltraGauge Text Property in Runtime?

    Hello everyone,

    I'm  implementing  the UltraGauge control in a software project,

    Using "UltraGauge designer" I applied a preset ("Calculator" preset)

    and I was trying to change the text that appears in it for my own values,


  • two scales on a radial gauge



    I put two concentric scales on a radial gauge.

    There are two needle markers, one shorter (for the inner scale), one longer (for the outer scale).

    If I add the outermost scale first, the longer needle is displayed under (in z-order) the innermost…

  • RE: Marker - how to change the color at runtime


    The follow code only changes the inside of the marker. How do I change the entire marker color.

    WinGauge 8.2.20082.1000

     Dim myRadialGauge As LinearGauge = CType(Me.ulGaugeLabelCount.Gauges(0), LinearGauge)
     Dim myTextureBrushElement As New SolidFillBrushElement…
  • How to interact with gauge

     I would expect the guague control to automatically support certain behavior.  Like clicking and draging a marker (needle) in a Linear Gauge.

    How do I get this behavior?  Do I have to code up all the mouse event handlers, etc..?