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  • Scatter Plot (DataCHart) with two Y-axis

    Hi Folks,

    I need to build a scatter plot with two Y axis and assign series to each. D you have an example how to do it programatically? I.e. create axis, add to chart and assign series?



  • Mouseover fade - Angular

    It would be nice to have the ability to emphasize the series which are being moused over ngx-charts has a feature like this: Hover over a data point, and the series is highlighted, while other…

  • Bubble chart like pie chart

    Can we generate a bubble chart with bubbles colored in a pie chart fashion.

  • xamDataChart works not on all computers (trial version)

    Dear colleagues!

    Could you be so kind to help me to resolve the following issue. I have the trial version of NetAdvantage for WPF. xamDataChart works well on my computer, but the lines do not appear when I run the same .NET application on the other…

  • Legend not Updating

    I am attempting to put a legend on my grid that updates when I dynamically add and remove series to the grid.  I would like to add that I am programatically adding series to my SeriesCollection  which I pass in as a paremeter to MVVM command.

    I followed…

  • Axis values precision

    Sometimes when cart is zoomed some axis values look like this:


    Is it possible to limit values to 2 or 3 decimal places?

  • Multiple (dynamic) Series in Data Chart.


    I have a requirements to create a data chart which eventually have 4 (confirmed: not more not less) series.

    • 2 Line Series
    • 1 Column Series
    • 1 Range Area Series.

    All these series must be created dynamically (i.e. their X-Axis and Y-Axis points) based…

  • Animated Line Series using Motion Framework


    We have utilized the Motion Framework in our Scatter Chart series and it is really powerful feature in Infragistics controls suite. However I am wondering that can we also apply the same affect on LINE SERIES? I noticed on the below chart, they…

  • Dynamically creating stackedColumnchart


    I have a requirement to created a stacked column chart dynamically. That is at run time I can find number of stacks which need to created. All column will have the same number of stacks. Could you provide an example of how I can achieve this. 

  • Annotations on charts


    I am evaluating the Infragistics products for new Financial application. I am looking at both "NetAdvantage for WPF line of business" and "NetAdvantage for WPF data visualisation". 

    Currently nearly all of my required functionality…